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The Five Cardinals The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconIn-game Description

The senior statesmen that make up the highest office of government in Sanbreque after the Emperor himself—the Council of Elders. The council is comprised of the High Cardinal, representative of central Sanbreque and the Holy Capital "Oriflamme" iconOriflamme, and the four cardinals who administer the outer provinces—the northern, southern, eastern, and western sees.

Detailed Location

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"The High Cardinal" iconThe High Cardinal Persons of Interest
"Sylvestre Lesage" iconSylvestre Lesage Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Council of Elders" iconThe Council of Elders The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconAffiliation

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
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