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The Greagorian Church The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconIn-game Description

The state religion of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, whose followers worship the goddess Greagor as the one true deity. At the church’s head stands the holy emperor, voted into office by his fellow cardinals, and supposedly their equal—though this is widely recognized to be a convenient fiction. The followers of Greagor worship dragons as sacred servants of their goddess, and since the founding days of the empire, have both doted and depended upon them.

Category iconScreenshots

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"Sylvestre Lesage" iconSylvestre Lesage Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

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The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
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