The Guardians of the Flame The Imperial Province of Rosaria
In-game Description
A clandestine group of ducal loyalists who lead the rebellion against the imperial occupation of Rosaria and Empress Anabella. Many of their number are drawn from those who survived the imperial attack on Phoenix Gate in the year 860, who know full well the empire’s involvement in the duchy’s fall. They make their home in the abandoned Lazarus district outside
Port Isolde, from where they conduct their raids to free
Bearers from the imperial yoke.
As Allies
A clandestine group of ducal loyalists who lead the rebellion against the imperial occupation of Rosaria and Empress Anabella. Many of their number are drawn from those who survived the imperial attack on Phoenix Gate in the year 860, who know full well the empire’s involvement in the duchy’s fall. After their base in the Lazarus district was lost to an aetherflood, they moved north, continuing their operations to revive the duchy hand in hand with
Martha. They finally resettled in
Eastpool, where they now labor to revitalize the village hand in hand with the
Bearers they and
Martha freed.
Related Lay of the Land

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