Martha Persons of Interest
In-game Description
Landlady of the Golden Stables, the tavern at the heart of Martha’s Rest. She is also a friend of Cid’s cause, keeping the hideaway supplied with both victuals and information on developments in western
Storm—a second string to her business that she strives to keep secret from the imperial authorities.
After Reclaiming Eastpool
Landlady of the Golden Stables, the tavern at the heart of Martha’s Rest. The village became overcrowded after an aetherflood in the Lazarus drove the Guardians of the Flame and the
Bearers they had rescued from the Black Shields’ raids to seek shelter there. To make space, she worked with Clive and Wade to resettle them in
Eastpool, where she has been supporting them ever since.
Dreaming of a Better World
Landlady of the Golden Stables, the tavern at the heart of Martha’s Rest. Her efforts to save
Bearers from the bonds of thralldom began before she met Cid, and like him, she dreams of a world where
Bearers can live on their own terms. To this end, she nourishes the seeds of a better world that she and the Guardians of the Flame have planted in
Detailed Location
- The proprietor of the Golden Stables in
Martha’s Rest.
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