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The Undying The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconIn-game Description

Basic Information

A secretive order who serve the lords of Rosaria from the shadows. They revere the mighty Phoenix and its "Dominant" iconDominant, and once presided over the rites of Ancestral Communion at "Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate. Few outside the order know of its existence—even among the highest ranking members of Rosarian nobility. And to this very day, with Rosaria reduced to a mere imperial province, they continue to serve the rightful Keeper of the Flame—His Grace "Joshua Rosfield" iconJoshua Rosfield.

A Search for Answers

A secretive order who serve the lords of Rosaria from the shadows. They revere the mighty Phoenix and its "Dominant" iconDominant, and once presided over the rites of Ancestral Communion at "Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate. Few outside the order know of its existence—even among the highest ranking members of Rosarian nobility. Their loyalty to His Grace "Joshua Rosfield" iconJoshua Rosfield is absolute, and none among them would hesitate to lay down their lives for his sake. At his command, their efforts are currently devoted to uncovering the truth behind the mysterious being known as "Ultima" iconUltima

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Cyril" iconCyril Persons of Interest
"Jote" iconJote Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Apodytery" iconThe Apodytery The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconRelated Bestiary

"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons

Category iconAffiliation

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
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