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The Bloodaxes The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconIn-game Description

The band of sellswords tasked with the protection of "Martha's Rest" iconMartha’s Rest, in the absence of any assistance from the nearby imperial garrison. It falls to them to keep watch on the roads, and keep the beasts and bandits of the swamplands from "Martha" iconMartha’s gate.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Martha" iconMartha Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Martha's Rest" iconMartha's Rest The Imperial Province of Rosaria
"The Viceregency" iconThe Viceregency Lay of the Land
"The Imperial Province of Rosaria" iconThe Imperial Province of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconAffiliation

The Imperial Province of Rosaria
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