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Crystal Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

One of the most valuable materials known to mankind, thanks to its ability to channel ambient aether from the air, allowing those without an innate power to do so to cast magicks—and as most Valistheans cannot live without magic, its supply and distribution is heavily regulated by governments across the Twins. A given shard can only channel a certain amount of aether before it shatters, so the need for new crystals is incessant.

The Black Market

One of the most valuable materials known to mankind, thanks to its ability to channel ambient aether from the air, allowing those without an innate power to do so to cast magicks—and as most Valistheans cannot live without magic, its supply and distribution is heavily regulated by governments across the Twins. Though the penalties for illicit trade in crystal are severe, with demand far outstripping supply, many still dabble in the black market.


One of the most valuable materials known to mankind, thanks to its ability to channel ambient aether from the air, allowing those without an innate power to do so to cast magicks. After "Ultima" iconUltima cast Primogenesis and the skies over "Valisthea" iconValisthea darkened, many of the municipal crystals that fired forges and filled wells began to fail. In certain areas, even those rationed shards that the people relied on in their everyday lives lost their spark, making life all but unlivable.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

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"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"Aether" iconAether Mysteries of the Realm
"Municpal Shards" iconMunicpal Shards Mysteries of the Realm
"Crystal Rations" iconCrystal Rations Mysteries of the Realm
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