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The Fallen Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

Basic Information

An ancient yet highly advanced civilization, whose relics can be found across the length and breadth of "Valisthea" iconValisthea. The material from which these relics are constructed is far sturdier than steel, and cannot be worked by modern methods, so the people of the modern day have elected to build inside and around them instead.

Ruins Everlasting?

An ancient yet highly advanced civilization, whose relics—said to be the remains of airships that once soared through the skies—can be found across the length and breadth of "Valisthea" iconValisthea. Cid’s hideaway is but one of many settlements to take a Fallen ruin as its foundation, taking advantage of the sturdiness of the ceramics, which are stronger than steel. They are not, however, immune to the passage of time, and so the hideaway is in need of constant repairs.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Cid's Hideaway" iconCid's Hideaway Lay of the Land
"Lostwing" iconLostwing The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Valisthea" iconValisthea Lay of the Land

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Airship" iconAirship Mysteries of the Realm
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