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The Founder Mysteries of the Realm

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“Fear and uncertainty reigned in those early years following the Sins of "Dzemekys" iconDzemekys. Not wanting to further incur the wrath of the heavens, the few who survived the Fall took to wandering the land, spurning magic and staying to the shadows. And so they lived for decades. “One man, however, grew tired of this life—if it could be called that—and after bidding his companions farewell, climbed a grassy knoll overlooking a forest of beech and alder. Here, he gathered a pile of rubble and used it to build a humble shelter in which he spent the night. The next morning, however, instead of abandoning his work (as was his people’s wont), he gathered more rocks, adding to the structure until the shelter had become a shack. This, he continued for days, weeks, until the shack had become a home.

“At first, those few wanderers who passed the knoll would shun him, cursing the man under their breaths for his hubris. But as his estate grew, and one building became two, and two, three, the people began to slow their steps, and it was not long before some took to joining him on that knoll. Gathering stones. Building new lives. New destinies.
“This they did without magicks or machines. Without boon or blessing. They relied on naught but their hands, their backs, their wills, and each other. And slowly house gave way to village, village to town…and town to nation. “The man would one day die, as all men do, but those who remained continued his legacy—expanded upon it. And though his name was eventually forgotten, his spirit lives on to this day in the hearts of all Rosarians.”

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