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Moss the Chronicler Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

Far-fabled scholar of Valisthean history and legend. Even to this day, much of the surviving knowledge of the distant antiquity of the Twins issues from his quill. In his later years, his writings attracted fierce criticism from certain scholarly circles, which resulted in him removing himself from public life.

As Chronicler

Far-fabled scholar of Valisthean history and legend. It was Moss’s writings that inspired Harpocrates to pursue his own career as a scholar of all things Valisthean. In his later years, he delved into the hidden history of "Ultima" iconUltima and the Circle of Malius, but alas, his findings were denounced as baseless speculation in certain scholarly circles. As a result, Moss’s theories received little widespread notice, and were all but stricken from the historical record.

A Hidden Past

Far-fabled scholar of Valisthean history and legend. When Harpocrates was but a boy, Moss visited his village on the outer continent. Perhaps seeing something of himself in the young scholar-to-be, the great master took him under his wing. However, their time together was soon to come to an end, for one day Moss and his journal were gone, leaving nothing but a note behind—one which read “seek knowledge.” The young Harpocrates took these words to heart.

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