Benedikta Harman Persons of Interest
In-game Description
First Encounter
Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed’s elite intelligencers, who sits by her liege’s side at the highest tables of state—most recently in their negotiations with the Dhalmeks at the Zirnitra Stronghold. But Barnabas is not the only one with whom she shares a special bond—Benedikta also has eyes, and ambitions, for Hugo Kupka
With the Royal Intelligencers
Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed’s elite intelligencers and a true scholar of the blade, who leads her loyal minions from the front. After attending the negotiations with the Dhalmeks at the Zirnitra Stronghold, where she crushed the hopes of the Republican Army while encouraging those of Hugo Kupka, she parted company with her liege lord in order to lead a secret incursion into imperial territory.
At Caer Norvent
Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed’s elite intelligencers and Dominant of
Garuda, the Warden of Wind. While her dalliances with
Hugo Kupka would appear to be naught but a ruse guided by the hand of King Barnabas, her love for her former Lord Commander Cid was deep and true—and left an equally abyssal hole in her heart when he fled Waloed.
Following Garuda’s Defeat
Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed’s elite intelligencers and Dominant of
Garuda. After Clive took her power at
Caer Norvent and the keep was set to fire, she and her comrades were forced into making a hurried retreat, only to be set upon by bandits. What was left of Benedikta’s power ran amok, summoning forth the raging whirlwind within which she was at last to lose her life at the hands of
Clive Rosfield and his
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