Eikon Mysteries of the Realm
In-game Description
Basic Information
Magical beings of godlike strength who dwell within human hosts known as Dominants, only emerging when the
Dominant primes. History records eight
Eikons in total, each with a unique elemental affinity. It is commonly held that two
Eikons of the same element cannot coexist, but as none has ever witnessed all of these rare creatures together, the conjecture is yet to be proved.
Elemental Aspect
Magical beings of godlike strength who dwell within human hosts known as Dominants, only emerging when the
Dominant primes. History records eight
Eikons in total, each with a unique elemental affinity—one warden each of fire, water, thunder, ice, wind, earth, light, and darkness. The common belief that two
Eikons of the same element cannot coexist was shaken by the appearance of a second
Eikon of Fire during the imperial attack on
Phoenix Gate.
Hidden Truths
Shattered aspects of Ultima’s power given flesh by, human hosts. It is the two Wardens of Fire, Phoenix and
Ifrit, who together comprise his perfect form—the
Eikons of the lesser elements serving as sacrifices to
Mythos’s altar in order to test and bolster the vessel’s strength.
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