Elwin Rosfield Persons of Interest
In-game Description
Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. Loved by his people for his steadfast leadership both at home and on the battlefield—which he put to good effect in quelling the rebellious Northern Territories.
Warming the Throne
Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. Elwin was born before his father, the previous Dominant of the Phoenix, passed away, so he did not inherit the
Eikon’s powers. Instead, he devoted himself to the study of swordcraft and statesmanship, that he might lead his country from the front—which he did to wide acclaim in leading his armies in quelling the rebellious Northern Territories.
After the Fall of Phoenix Gate
Late Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. Elwin’s reign ended when he was beheaded by servants of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque in their ignoble attack on Phoenix Gate. Known not only for his inspiring leadership and skill with a blade, but his disapproval of the mistreatment of
Bearers, his legacy lives on in all those who oppose imperial rule in what remains of Rosaria.
A Hidden Past
Late Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. During his reign, he strove to bring an end to the mistreatment of Bearers and his people’s reliance on magic—a mission that he knew would meet with fierce opposition from the court nobility, and would not be achievable within his lifetime. That his sons might follow in his footsteps, he fashioned for them a pair of matching armbands, to give them strength when all stood against them.
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