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Margrace Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description


A mysterious hooded man who many believe to be a "Dominant" iconDominant of Fire. He is never seen outside the company of his faithful attendant. After being captured by Benedikta’s intelligencers and imprisoned in "Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent, he slipped free from his bonds and escaped to "Phoenix Gate" iconPhoenix Gate.

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Attendant to Joshua" iconAttendant to Joshua Persons of Interest
"Caer Norvent" iconCaer Norvent The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"The Night of Flames" iconThe Night of Flames The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Dominant" iconDominant Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconScreenshots

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