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Marleigh Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

Born in the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, "Marleigh" iconMarleigh was kidnapped by the Ironblood during their invasion eighteen years before and taken back to the island of Drustanus, where she was forced to serve as a handmaiden for the priests of the Crystalline Orthodox. There she met the young "Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick, and took her under her wing, caring for the terrified child as if she were the mother Jill never knew.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Jill Warrick" iconJill Warrick Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Boiling Crusade" iconThe Boiling Crusade The Iron Kingdom
"Mt. Drustanus" iconMt. Drustanus The Iron Kingdom
"The Crystalline Orthodox" iconThe Crystalline Orthodox The Iron Kingdom

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconAffiliation

The Iron Kingdom
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