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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Mice Walkthrough

Nathan Garvin
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Zhelejov and Tachov, two villages in the Trosky region, have a lingering feud due to a border dispute. Aside from a yearly brawl and intermittent pranks, however, nothing much comes from this bitter neighborly hatred. Henry’s arrival proves to be an opportunity the lead instigators in both towns can’t ignore, an anonymous, willing actor to carry out their pranks with renewed vigor and heightened competence… while Henry stands to gain a few groschen out of the deal. This page will provide a walkthrough for the side quest Mice in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Page Breakdown

Starting Mice

Like the Zhelejov counterpart to this quest, Frogs, you can learn about the feud between Zhelejov and Tachov by talking to POI tipsters - most innkeepers should suffice - including Innkeeper Prochek himself!. Once done, head to Tachov and talk to Innkeeper Prochek, who will give you this quest. It’s worth noting that you can do this quest before or after Frogs - you can even snitch on Old Olbram after starting Frogs to start this quest and abandon the former, but if you want to fully complete both you won’t snitch and instead just play both sides.

In any event, agree to carry out Innkeeper Prochek’s pranks and he’ll task you with painting Old Olbram’s prized white bull. To do this you will need a potion to sedate the beast, and some paint with which to express Henry’s latent artistic vision.

(1 of 2) You can hear about the Zhelejov/Tachov feud by talking to innkeepers,

You can hear about the Zhelejov/Tachov feud by talking to innkeepers, (left), even Prochek himself! Agree to his plan and he’ll tell you what to do. (right)

Ask Blacksmith Radovan About Sleeping Potions

Might as well secure sleeping potions, first, as you can do this before even leaving Tachov. Talk to Blacksmith Radovan about something that can sedate and animal and if you’ve completed The Blacksmith’s Son he should tell you about the recipe. Failing that, you can convince him you’re a blacksmith (your Craftsmanship skill will determine if you’re successful or not) or you can pay him 75~ groschen. All in all, you’re better off just completing The Blacksmith’s Son real quick to save some money, if you haven’t already.

In any event, Blacksmith Radovan only gives you a sketch of what you’ll need to do: Boil poppy and thistle in oil, then add herb paris. It’s a good enough start, and we’ll discuss brewing this potion once we’ve secured our paint… or you can just look at the crafting/poisons section of your menu.

(1 of 2) Ask Blacksmith Radovan about a sedative,

Ask Blacksmith Radovan about a sedative, (left), and he’ll give you the Lullaby formula. (right)

Get Paint from the Tailor in Troskowitz

Now that you have the formula for a sedative, leave Tachov and return southeast to Troskowitz, where you’ll find Tailor Bartoshek in his shop just behind the pillory stand. Talk to him and either buy the paint outright for 60 groschen, or say “That’s quite expensive.”. Succeed at a Speech check and Tailor Bartoshek will babble on about pigments, and if you don’t interrupt him he’ll mark Henry for a kindred spirit, giving you the paint for free. Joke’s on him, however - we found these old recipes for dying fabric quite interesting!

Either buy the paint, or listen to the tailor babble about dyes to get it for free.

Concoct Lullaby Potions

With the paint in hand, it’s time to set about brewing that sedative, and the first step is collecting the herbs we need. Poppy and thistle are easy, as they can be found in the fields west of Troskowtiz, barely outside of the town’s borders. Just search among the grain for red flowers (poppies), while thistle (lavender flowers) can be found in the grass nearby. Herb paris is a bit rarer, but you can get dried herb paris from the alchemist in Troskowitz. If you’re cheap, however, you can find an herb garden in the forest south of Trosky Castle, which is just northeast of Troskowitz.

Grab a few of each of the three ingredients and remember you need three doses to put Old Olbram’s bull down. Once done, return to Troskowitz and use the alchemy bench near the alchemist’s shop. The blacksmith didn’t tell you the recipe, but it’s a pretty simple one. For a perfect brew, do the following:

  • Add oil to the cauldron
  • Add 1x poppy to the cauldron
  • Boil for 1x turn
  • Add 1x thistle to the cauldron
  • Boil for 1x turn
  • Grind herb paris and add it ot the cauldron
  • Pour

Voila! You should get some Lullaby Potions, which are just as good at spiking stew pots as they are at sedating bulls, for the record.

(1 of 4) You can find poppy plants and thistle in the fields west of Troskowitz,

Paint the Bull

Now that you’ve got the paint and the sedatives, head west from Troskowitz to reach Zhelejov. Old Olbram’s estate is along the western edge of Zhelejov, and his prized white bull will be either in a stable to the north or a pen beyond the stable. If you ask around about the bull you’ll find out that Old Olbram is obsessively proud of it, to the point where he keeps somebody watching it throughout the night. Something to keep in mind for later… buying or brewing some Nighthawk Potions so you can see in the dark might help you get the upper hand on the peasants guarding the bull.

First things first, however, sneak into the stable (it’s a restricted area, but once you’re around a corner you’ll be safe) and spike the trough. Once done, exit the stable and wait until nighttime. If you get caught, just leave the area until people stop fussing at you and return. You’ll want to wait until at least 22:00 hours, at which time most of the rabble should have gone to sleep, leaving only one guard sitting on the bench outside the stable.

That’s still one guard too many, but he’s not a machine - if you wait an hour, he might go away for a brief window, giving you time to sneak in and paint the bull. Alternatively you can sneak over to the house to the west, pick the locked door on the lower floor (very easy), go upstairs and then cross some planks bridging the gap between the house and the stables. Walk past all the sleeping workers and descend down some stairs to reach the stable where the white bull should be lying sedated - a bit of lock picking is in order, but so long as you don’t encounter anybody in the house who is unseasonably awake, you should be fine.

(1 of 4) Talk to the people at Zhelejov to learn the bull is kept under guard at night.

Interact with the sedated bull and pick one of three masterpieces to create on the bull’s flank. After you’re done, sneak out (you can just head back upstairs, return to the bridge, and drop down to the ground) then leave the village behind. Tell Innkeeper Prochek about the deed and he’ll give you 85 groschen and try to enlist you for another battle in the war between Zhelejov and Tachov, which is covered on the page [Battle of Frogs and Mice].

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Deep Silver
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Adventure, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    13 February 2025
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is an open-world RPG set in the last throes of the Middle Ages. A direct sequel of the original, Henry of Skalitz is traveling with a company to the region of Trosky to broker a truce. This guide will cover the following aspects of the game:

Included in this guide:

  • A complete walkthrough of the main story, including multiple outcomes
  • Guides to specific side quests associated with each settlement
  • Coverage of all of the various Tasks you can undertake
  • Useful gameplay tips to ensure the best possible start
  • Character development guide to the basics, build options and recommended perks
  • A fully interactive map with descriptions and screenshots for all map locations
  • The most complete Database around

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