Memento Mori Pistol
The Memento Mori is one of the strongest unique Legendary Pistols in Starfield. Beyond the perks already on the gun, it also comes with a laser sight, tactical grip, explosive rounds, and high-powered. This makes the weapon much more accurate, alongside offering damage bonuses to the weapon. It means you’ll be launching very strong rounds if you follow the weapons mini-game, and the mods make it easier to complete too. Overall, it’s a nice sidearm, and probably the best weapon in Starfield for any pistol builds out there.
If you want to learn about other powerful weapons in Starfield, check out the Best Weapons in Starfield Guide.
Weapon Mods
Cornered: Damage increases as health decreases, Crippling: Deals +30% damage on the next attack after hittng a target's limbs., Demoralizing: Small chance to demoralize a target.
Weapon Effects
- Explosive Rounds
- High Powered
- Laser Sight
- Tactical Grip
Location / Where to Find
- Complete the Faction Mission,
Burden of Proof, which is a mission related to the UC and
Crimson Fleet cross-over storyline. You’ll need to find at least 18 of the 20 possible pieces of evidence and report back to complete it. When you do, you’ll get Momento Mori, the best pistol in Starfield.
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