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Sarevok's Horned Helmet Helmet

Category iconLore

The last sight Sarevok witnessed as a mortal was his sibling’s knife. This duel, the first between Bhaalspawn, is worshipped still by the cult of Bhaal, who now believe that no act is more sacred than fracticide between spawn before the altar of their Dread Lord.

Category iconEffects/Special Abilities

Deathbringer’s Sight: You gain "Darkvision" iconDarkvision up to a range of 3m, or 15m if you already have it. The number you need to roll a Critical hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.

Dauntless: You can’t be Frightened and cannot be afflicted with other emotion-altering conditions.

Constitution Saving Throws +1

Location / Where to Find

You need to defeat Sarevok, located in the Bhaal Temple of the Murder Tribunal. You can access the Murder Tribunal at the end of the Investigate The Murders and Murder Tribunal questlines. Either fight the cultists by rescuing Valera, or, as the Dark Urge, Kill Orin and return here and face him in one last battle.

You can access this location by entering the gravestone maker’s building near the graveyard and the Elfsong tavern, remove the painting off the wall, and flick the lever. You can then enter the Temple, and be greeted by guards, who will die once you kill Sarevok, or fight them to gain access to the Tribunal.


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