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Shield of Shielding Shields

Category iconLore

Named in the style of Extremely Unimaginative Jimmy, the geographer and interior decorator who named the ‘waterfall’ and ‘fireplace’.

Category iconEffects/Special Abilities

"Shield" iconShield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction, to knock it Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity Saving "Throw" iconThrow.

Location / Where to Find

Found inside Helm’s offerings chest, located in the underground basement of the Stormshore Tabernacle. Pick lock the hatch in the corner of the church floor, and then enter the basement. Be mindful of Gas Traps and Pressure Plates, so we recommend going into Turn Based Mode and slowly revealing the traps and disarming them, or flying over them to get here. Once in the other room, avoid the trap again, and then loot the chests as you so desire.

Note that each item in these chests are cursed, and will spawn a Deva protecting them when looted. However, you can drag the items out of the box place them on the floor, and then loot them to avoid fighting the Deva.


"Shield" iconShield Abjuration


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