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Axe of the Lion One Handed Weapons


Inspired by the courage and might of the lion, this weapon offers high damage output and durability, making it a valuable choice for players who favor the versatility of one-handed axes.


The Axe of the Lion can be crafted at the Blacksmith’s Bench.

How to obtain the item:

To craft the Axe of the "Lion" iconLion, players must first obtain the Pride of the Aesir feat, which is available by purchasing the “"Blood" iconBlood and Sand” DLC. After learning the feat, the Axe of the Lion can be crafted at the Blacksmith’s Bench using the following materials:

14x "Branch" iconBranch
30x "Star Metal Bar" iconStar Metal Bar
20x Thick "Leather" iconLeather

Crafting Recipes:

The Axe of the Lion is itself a crafted item and not used as a component in any other crafting recipes.


  • Star Metal Bars can be crafted at the "Furnace" iconFurnace by smelting "Star Metal Ore" iconStar Metal Ore and combining it with "Black Ice" iconBlack Ice.
  • To gather Thick Leather, hunt larger animals, harvest their thick hides, and then process the thick hides at a Tannery.
  • One-handed axes like the Axe of the Lion can be paired with a shield, offering additional protection during combat.
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