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Zhaibar Knives Weapons

Lore Quote

*“The governor checked his motion toward the sword on the table. He was within reach of the yard-long Zhaibar knife that glittered in the intruder’s fist, and he knew the desperate quickness of a hillman.” *- People of the Black Circle.

It is not known whether it is some special quality to the metal forged in Zhaibar, or if it is simply the training that they give their warriors, but all know that the wielder of a Zhaibar blade is to be feared.


The Zhaibar Knives are some of the best dual-wielding daggers in Conan Exiles, primarily due to the combined effects of their perks: Bleed and Diseased. These will apply damage over time to your target while you can maintain a distance from them, so long as you hit them relatively frequently to reapply the debuffs.

How to Obtain

You can get the Zhaibar Knives from the "Risen Bones" iconRisen Bones boss, located at "Blacksail Harbor" iconBlacksail Harbor on the Isle of Siptah. There’s a relatively small chance for this to drop, so you may need to kill it multiple times.

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