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Dragon's Dogma 2

All Seeker's Token Locations

Craig Robinson
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"Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Tokens are Dragon’s Dogma 2 ‘s big collectible hunt. There are 240 of them to find and we have crafted a handy route map to discover them all. There are plenty of rewards from the Seeker’s Token list at Guild halls, ranging from unique rings, to pretty sweet armor, and special "Mage" iconMage staves that allow them to resurrect themselves, among other specialties. To help you through the track, we are here to assist Arisens worldwide with finding all Seeker’s Tokens in Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you’re looking for a more logical walkthrough, with recommended routes of each region, tips and more, then you’ve come to the right place.

This map will assist you with finding all Seeker’s Tokens in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Seeker’s Token Regional Locations

Before continuing, we have managed to find around 220 of the tokens on our Dragon’s Dogma 2 interactive map.

With that said, here’s a Table of Contents of the regions broken down for the Seeker’s Token locations in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

North Vermund Seeker’s Token Locations

Since North Vermund is the area that you start the main game in, we recommend the order in a way you’ll naturally explore the game via main storyline quests. Please note that the tokens on the far east side of the image will require main story progression to get you through the locked down checkpoint.

In addition, the caves along that road range from being somewhat dangerous to very dangerous. We advise returning to the "Waterfall Cave" iconWaterfall Cave to get the two tokens when you’re around level 20, thanks to to the difficulty of the "Chimera" iconChimera inside.

Here are all the Seeker’s Token locations in Northern Vermund that we know of.

Token Description Map Marker
1 On top of the Commissary roof in "Borderwatch Outpost" iconBorderwatch Outpost. Map Marker
2 On the cliff near the waterfall north of "Melve" iconMelve’s bridge. Map Marker
3 Next to the ballista on the western tower in "Melve" iconMelve Village. Map Marker
4 Near the waterfall on the northwest coast of "Melve" iconMelve Village. Map Marker
5 Follow the main road heading over the northern bridge of "Melve" iconMelve Village. As you get to the main turning, check the cliff edge for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
6 From Token 5, travel north towards a cliffside between the the roads you’re coming up to. On the northern side of the cliff should be a "Harpy" iconHarpy nest just to the south of the bridge with a token inside. Map Marker
7 On the far western bridge, leading to the mountains, check the cliffside near the campfire for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. It’s the same bridge you come to as part of the Claw Them Into Shape Quest. Map Marker
8 Head into the mountains west of "Borderwatch Outpost" iconBorderwatch Outpost. As you come across the wooden bridge pathway near the "Goblin" iconGoblins, check the bluffs for a "Harpy" iconHarpy nest, where you can find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token inside. Map Marker
9 Ascend up the mountain trail and as you climb up, check for a statue. You’ll find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token beside the statue overlooking the slope and trail you climbed. Map Marker
10 Go through "The Mountains' Secret" iconThe Mountains’ Secret Cave and then go through the back exit north of "Borderwatch Outpost" iconBorderwatch Outpost. You’ll come across an abandoned building with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token inside. Map Marker
11 Travel northeast from "Melve" iconMelve Village along the main road. Along the road, you’ll come across a blocked cave you enter via breaking the boulder. Go through this woodland area, climb the sloped rock, and look for a grave by a bush with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on it. Map Marker
12 Along the main road leading east from Borderwatch Oupost. Travel along the road till you meet the ruin called "Gathering of Beasts" iconGathering of Beasts. The "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token is on top of a ruined wall. You’ll need to start the In Dragon’s Wake quest to access this area. Map Marker
13 Right above the "Gathering of Beasts" iconGathering of Beasts is a cliff ledge to the northwest of the previous Token. Map Marker
14 Beside a ladder in the "Cavern of the Forsaken" iconCavern of the Forsaken, located on the main eastern road that lead to "Vernworth" iconVernworth. Map Marker
15 Proceed through the "Cavern of the Forsaken" iconCavern of the Forsaken, and exit near a cliff over looking the river. The Token is by the ledge. Map Marker
16 Look for a ledge inside the "Waterfall Cave" iconWaterfall Cave. There should be some boxes on the ledge hiding a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
17 On the next floor up inside the "Waterfall Cave" iconWaterfall Cave. You’ll need to break some rocks by the cave wall to reveal a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token underneath. Map Marker

Southeast Vermund Seeker’s Token Locations

In this section, we’ll recommend an order for players to take based on starting at "Vernworth" iconVernworth City. Note that some of these locations, like the "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village, will require you to complete main story quests that take you to the Nameless Village to make it easier to access. Outside of that, most in the area should be accessible via exploring.

Here are all the southeast Vermund region Seeker’s Token locations you can find.

Token Description Map Marker
1 Go to the main road directly north of the city. You’ll find the Token along the rocks by the river, near the "Riftstone of Duty" iconRiftstone of Duty. You can opt to grab Token 36 if you think you can handle a cave. Map Marker
2 Continue following the main road north of the city eastward. You should come across a ruined viaduct going towards the farming village. Along the top of the ruin over the water is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. You will need some form of "Levitate" iconLevitate, jumping block, or double jump to get over one of the rubble pieces. Map Marker
3 Go over the bridge leading south towards the other end of the ruined viaduct in the farming village area. You’ll find the Token along the grass in a farm to the west of the middle section of the ruined bridge. Line yourself up with the fourth viaduct pillar from the water, then head west to a small gap in the wheat. Map Marker
4 Follow the smaller farming village’s east road to where the smaller river meets the wider river, and you should find the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the stony shore. Map Marker
5 Head south and over the sea’s coastline, You should find a small cliff to the east near the end of the road. There’s a small dip by the tree next to the cliff edge that you can run and jump to easily climb up, but movement skills make it easier to climb. You’ll find a "Harpy" iconHarpy Nest on the edge further east with a Token inside. Map Marker
6 Go north over the river and then stick to the shoreline. You should find the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the river on top of a boulder. Make sure to tell your pawns to wait otherwise they will get Brined. Map Marker
7 Follow the main road east from Marker 7, then south into the "Ruined Settlement" iconRuined Settlement, now occupied by Bandits. You’ll find the Token inside a small house by the window, closest to the Riftstone in that area. Map Marker
8 Inside the Coastal Cave, which you can access by going to the western coastline from the Ruined Village. Map Marker
9 From the "Ruined Settlement" iconRuined Settlement, travel along the southeastern road, leading towards the "Twilight Cave" iconTwilight Cave. Enter the cave, and when you reach the "Harpy" iconHarpy nesting spot, destroy the boulder, as it sits atop of a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
10 Inside the "Harpy" iconHarpy nest next to Token 5 in the "Twilight Cave" iconTwilight Cave. Map Marker
11 Continue through the "Twilight Cave" iconTwilight Cave, and as you move your way through, you’ll find a hole guarded by "Leapworm" iconLeapworms, with a Token in the middle of the pit. Map Marker
12 Head back out of the "Twilight Cave" iconTwilight Cave’s main entrance, then travel south along a dirt road to a bandit hideout in the cliffs. There’s a large circular stone structure with a ladder and a hole at the center, called "Spirits' Path" iconSpirits’ Path. The "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token is on a ledge near the entrance to it. Map Marker
13 Go to the "Palace Overlook Cape" iconPalace Overlook Cape on the very southern tip of eastern Vermund and start climbing up the cliff. You should be able to access it via some climbable rocks. If you need further assistance, use "Mage" iconMage blocks to climb, "Levitate" iconLevitate, "Springboard" iconSpringboard, or some other double jump type or better climbing augments to reach it. Map Marker
14 Go back over the main road between markers 12 and 13, then follow the main bridge towards "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village. When you cross the bridge, turn right and check the cliff edge next to the bridge for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
15 Follow the track to the "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village and then follow the northern side of the lake. You should find a Token towards the lake’s edge. Map Marker
16 Travel towards the Old Manor building atop the village, then go to the northeast corner of it. There should be a Token overlooking the water. Map Marker
17 Enter the Old Manor House at the end of the village. There should be a hole to the floor above near the "Thief" iconThief Vocation Master. You will need some kind of movement skill to enter the next floor. If you’re struggling, there’s some wooden rubble that gives you more height below the hole. Alternatively, try to parkour from the mossy stones on the outside part of the destroyed wall to reach up. Map Marker
18 Travel to the far west of the village towards the river. Follow the edge of the river till you see a Token on the cliff side, approximately north of the western edge of the lake if you need to line it up better. Map Marker
19 Travel west along the main road leading from "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village. There should be a northern turning that takes you towards the river again. Along the river should be a small pier, with it containing a basket that has a Token inside. Map Marker
20 Head back over the bridge you took to get towards "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village, and head to the "Underbridge Grotto" iconUnderbridge Grotto cave under the main bridge. You’ll find a few "Saurian" iconSaurians in the cave with a few guarding a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token by some flotsam debris. Map Marker
21 Move further north from the "Underbridge Grotto" iconUnderbridge Grotto and when you reach the v-shaped road that turns left or right, go left, and look for a cliff with a statue on it. There will be a token present. Map Marker
22 Continue traveling west of the ruin and climb the cliff. There should be a Token near the cliffedge overlooking the ruin. Map Marker
23 Follow the pathway further west from the ruin marker, and then look towards a cliff near the "Timeworn Shaft" iconTimeworn Shaft for the next "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
24 Continue west from the main road and then use the main roads to cross over to the northern section. Turn right from the main road to head towards the broken bridge, and look for the rocks near the pathway for the next "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
25 Go west and then north along the main road. You’ll come across a ruin along with the "Riftstone of the Simple" iconRiftstone of the Simple. Climb the ruin and you should find a harder piece to get to that contains a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
26 Continue west along the main road near the lake. You should see a wooden bridge heading south at top of the waterfall. There will be a waterfall here, with the Token near on some pebbles under the water. You should see it faintly glowing under the water just before the waterfall and brine begins. Map Marker
27 Travel further north up the road at the ruins, and check left to find a ledge on the cliff. You can climb up with light encumbrance or some jumping support to reach a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Align yourself between the cliff and the Riftstone to make finding it easier. Map Marker
28 Continue traveling north from the road you’re on, all the way you can take it. At the end of the trail you’ll get a northern and eastern split. Take the eastern track to the Token. Map Marker
29 Move southeast from the 28th marker, and you should find a statue along the cliffside near the water by the bridge. There’s a token at the statue. Map Marker
30 Scale yourself down the hill, towards the "Mt. Alles Tunnel" iconMt. Alles Tunnel. Now look for the "Campsite" iconCampsite near the road and then move northeast towards the cliff edge overlooking the river. The Token is by the edge. Map Marker
31 Travel south down the bridge and then follow the main road. You should come to a turning, so stick to the main road. Follow it down, and then there should be a side road that takes you northwards near the river. Continue following the track towards the end, and you’ll find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token near the rocks. Map Marker
32 Travel out of the road, go back to the main road, and then travel east along it. You now want to go south at the first turning. Follow that along until you reach a right turning, follow the road up, and grab the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the cliff to your left. Map Marker
33 Between the "Riverside Ruins" iconRiverside Ruins and the "Indigent Bedlands" iconIndigent Bedlands Cave, you will find a large gray stone feature by the roadside. There should be a ladder going into a cellar nearby. Go down the ladder, smash the boxes, and a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token shall reveal itself. Map Marker
34 Head southeast, as if you were following the roads towards the river facing the "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village. There should be two parts of the river. Go towards the pathway lading to the eastern part of the first part of the river stream. You should come across a "Forgotten Riftstone" iconForgotten Riftstone near the mountain, with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token hidden behind a rock near it. Map Marker
35 Travel south from this point over the river, and then turn left to the eastern tip of the second river, directly facing the "Nameless Village" iconNameless Village coastline. You should find a rock next to a chest and a "Campsite" iconCampsite with the Token on top of it. Map Marker
36 Go into "Trembling Hollow" iconTrembling Hollow, which is a cave directly northwest of Token 1. Inside the cave you fight lots of undead. Part way through the cave look for a climbable area with a rock you can destroy to reveal a token. Map Marker

Vernworth Seeker’s Token Locations

The Vernworth City Seeker’s Tokens are fairly dense, with many in quick succession of each other. It should be easy to find these Tokens whenever you’re ready. Some of the Tokens are locked behind certain objectives, however. We’ll have noted which ones in the description if necessary.

Here are all the Seeker’s Token locations in Vernworth city.

Token Description Map Marker
1 Inside the Fountain in the Market Square. Map Marker
2 Enter "Shakir's Inn" iconShakir’s Inn, head towards the bedroom balcony, and then climb the ladder to the roof. From there, try to jump over to the Great Riftstone building roof, and in the middle of three "Unique Chest" iconUnique Chests is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
3 Go to the western edge of the city, following the path next to Clovia’s Barberie. You’ll find a statue at the end of the road, with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token behind it. Map Marker
4 On top of the western gate. Climb the wall and then climb up the gate’s tower to get the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
5 Follow the western gate out of the city and go under the bridge on the opposite side of the river. Map Marker
6 Go to the western road leading into the Noble Quarter. You’ll find a small white fountain near the road, with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on top of it. Map Marker
7 Go behind the Chapel in the Noble Quarter, and look for the circular well. The "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token is on the metal grid in the center of it. Map Marker
8 On top of "Baldwin's Estate" iconBaldwin’s Estate Roof in the Noble Quarter. You can access it by climbing the scaffolding on the sides of the house. You can also use spells from the nearby Sewer pipe to get across. Map Marker
9 Climb up Baldwin’s House to enter the Sewer gate next to their house. Go through the sewer tunnel, and then turn right into the closed off tower pipe. The "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token is by the metal bars at the end of the tunnel. Map Marker
10 On the eastern part of the Castle’s Rampart. Requires climbing skills, such as the ice block, "Levitate" iconLevitate, "Thief" iconThief and Ranger climbable buffs, etc. Map Marker
11 Travel to the southwest corner of the castle grounds, and look for a way to get on the outside of the castle walls. You should find the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token hanging near the edge at the most southwestern point of the castle wall. Map Marker
12 Move towards the Masquerade ball/dance hall building in the castle grounds. Climb the roof to find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
13 Move north towards the "Rose Chateau Bordelrie" iconRose Chateau Bordelrie. Climb on the roof, easily accessed by the chimney section using movement related skills or using objects to climb up. Map Marker
14 Head into the Slums, and then access the Gracious Hand’s ruined tower. Requires you to complete the Heel of History quest to access it. Go to the room where the cargo is located and then look towards the northeast corner for the Token on the floor. Map Marker
15 Travel to the northern wall near the northern city gate and look for the Token on the outside part of the wall. Overlooking the farming territory. Map Marker

Sacred Arbor to Harve Village

Western Vermund is a crazily large region of the map. So, expect many journeys and routes to grab all of these Seeker’s Tokens. Again, this area is very large, filled with verticality and hidden troves, and will be stuff we naturally update as time goes on.

(1 of 2) Here are all the Seeker’s Token locations near Vernworth and Harve Village.

Here are all the Seeker’s Token locations near Vernworth and Harve Village. (left), Further north, you’ll find all the Seeker’s Token Locations near the Sacred Arbor and Elven lands. (right)

Token Description Map Marker
1 Cross the western bridge from "Vernworth" iconVernworth City, and approach the building and the stone tower near the dirt road. Climb the building with the balcony, and then parkour across using movement skills or levitate to cross the gap. You’ll find the Token on the rock. Map Marker
2 Follow the southern coastal road towards Harve village. When the river delta meets the sea, look for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token by the shoreline, near some rocks near the cove. Map Marker
3 Continue following the southern coastal road to "Harve Village" iconHarve Village. When you get a ‘U’ bend on the road near the final river delta before Harve, you will need to start climbing the rocks to reach the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the mountainside overlooking the sea. Map Marker
4 Continue along the southern coastal road, and when you cross the bridge directly northeast of "Harve Village" iconHarve Village, look for a cliff edge near the waterfall. There’s a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along it. Map Marker
5 Head inside "Harve Village" iconHarve Village and look towards the Lighthouse Ruin wall for the Token. Map Marker
6 Travel north from "Harve Village" iconHarve Village towards the ruin on the field near the "Campsite" iconCampsite. The Token is on the stone wall near a ladder to a cellar with "Undead" iconUndead inside. Map Marker
7 Continue north and follow the road along the river. Turn right, and then take the road south back towards "Harve Village" iconHarve Village’s direction. It will take you to a statue on a cliff overlooking Harve and the sea. Map Marker
8 Go back to where you were for "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token 7, and then take the main road west. You should cross a bridge over the exit of a river to the sea, and then you should find a turning going left towards the beach. Along the beach’s east side is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on a boat. Map Marker
9 Follow the coastal road leading from Harve to the bend before the "Bridge of Theodracus the Second" iconBridge of Theodracus the Second. Look towards the cliff’s edge overlooking the sea to find the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
10 To the immediate north of the "Bridge of Theodracus the Second" iconBridge of Theodracus the Second, you’ll find a small jetty pier with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on it. Map Marker
11 Go north up the road from the bridge into the woodland area, and then turn left along a dirt path towards a cabin guarded by an "Ogre" iconOgre. Get on top of the roof of the building to find the Token. Map Marker
12 Take the dirt path heading east and then come across another abandoned building along the main road from the Theodracus the Second Bridge leading into the woodland. You’ll need to jump from the cart on to the tent, and then onto the wooden structure’s roof to access the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
13 From the previous Token, follow the main road over the river, then head south and stick to the riverbed. Where the green on the map gets darker, you should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the side of the river near the rocks. Map Marker
14 Go back over the main road and then follow the pathways up the hillside in between both bridges. You should climb up to find a statue, climb it till you reach the stone statue surrounded by "Harpy" iconHarpys. Deal with them and then loot the Token by the statue. Map Marker
15 Under the large wooden bridge north of the previous Token. Cross over to the other side of the bridge, then go under it. You’ll find it in shallow waters. Map Marker
16 Follow the road north from the wooden bridge, and you should come across a road leading east. Continue to travel north towards the waterfall and you should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token to its left side. Map Marker
17 Go back to the main road and travel east. Go over the first bridge, but when you reach the second a short distance away, go north slightly to the side of the river. You’ll find a Token along the side of the river. Map Marker
18 Travel over the bridge now till you reach a "Campsite" iconCampsite guarded by "Goblin" iconGoblins below the large mining mountain area. You’ll find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on top of a large wooden structure. Map Marker
19 Cross over the river to the north of the area, and then travel west along the road. You should come across a large hill with a "Harpy" iconHarpy nest between several points of the road. Climb and and grab the token from the nest. Map Marker
20 Continue west from the previous Token until you reach the "Darkhorde Cave" iconDarkhorde Cave. There’s a rocky slope with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token nearby. Map Marker
21 Continue north into Malachite Forest and then travel west towards the ruin by the lake. On the far east side of the ruin you can find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token near the center of the lake area. Map Marker
22 On top of a large ruin piece in the "Mountain Ruins" iconMountain Ruins. You will need to climb the hill southwest of the ruin near the "Forgotten Tunnel" iconForgotten Tunnel. You then need to jump from the hill to the large ruin piece to get the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
23 Go west of the ruin and enter the cave called the "Forgotten Tunnel" iconForgotten Tunnel. You’ll find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token inside one of its passage ways. Map Marker
24 Go into the "Forgotten Tunnel" iconForgotten Tunnel, and when inside, you should find an "Ogre" iconOgre spawn inside. Jump along the stone structure he was on, and then parkour along the ruin parts of the Tunnel, with one of the bits hanging out of the rock face having a Token on it. Map Marker
25 Travel north from the ruin to the "Sacred Arbor" iconSacred Arbor. Look for a cliff overlooking "Eldart's Apothecary" iconEldart’s Apothecary. Map Marker
26 Find "Kough's Inn" iconKough’s Inn in "Sacred Arbor" iconSacred Arbor. The Token is near the Innkeeper. Map Marker
27 Travel east along the main road, and follow the road that goes slightly northeast towards the large mountains. You should find a lake. There is a Seeker Token just north of the "Campsite" iconCampsite in the stream. Map Marker
28 Now you need to travel to the very far right of the Malachite Forest overlooking the river near "Melve" iconMelve. Check the cliffside before leaving this area to find the Token. Map Marker
29 Travel southwest from Token 28 to find a ruin between two roads, near the river. Climb it to find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token atop it. Use other pieces of the ruin to climb up and reach the large ruin piece with the Token. Map Marker
30 You now need to head back towards the large mountains near "Trevo Mine" iconTrevo Mine. Take the main roads as normal that go west and then south, and then go east across the two bridges over the river near Token 29. Continue traveling eastwards along the roads, and you should come across a small lake in the hills in the "Marshland Settlement" iconMarshland Settlement. You should be able to climb the cliff near the barricades of the settlement to reach a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
31 Travel southwest from the "Marshland Settlement" iconMarshland Settlement to the road that leads to Trevo mine. Along the road you should come across a shack near a "Campsite" iconCampsite. The "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token is along the roof of the shack. Map Marker
32 From the previous toke, you need to climb up the mountain to your west. You should be able to use "Levitate" iconLevitate to easily parkour across bits of wood up the mountains, and then move down the ledge to get the Toke extremely high up from the entrance to Trevo mine. Map Marker
33 On a cliff to the south of the mouth entrance to Trevo mine. Check the rocky and dirty climbing spots to reach this point overlooking the entrance to the mine. Map Marker
34 Inside a puddle near the riftstone of Trevo mine. Map Marker
35 Go west from Trevo mine and cross over the stream. There will be a ledge with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token overlooking the water. Follow a pathway up the hill and then come back around to drop onto this from above. Map Marker
36 Follow the road leading up the cliffside towards the scaffolding overlooking the water source west of the previous token. You should see a mossy cliff edge with the Token atop it. Map Marker
37 Go through Trevo mine, enter and clear the cave, and come out through the back of the cave. Climb the ladder, and you should find a path leading outwards. From there, look left for a small save in the hill, and you should find a Token inside. Map Marker
38 Travel southeast from "Trevo Mine" iconTrevo Mine’s entrance, and then take the road northeast through the forest. You’ll see a sharp bend in the path, with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on a ledge near the path. Map Marker
39 Continue east along the road, and you should find a very small "Saurian" iconSaurian nest near the river with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token inside. Map Marker
40 Travel south from the previous marker and make your way to the main road going east with a bridge over the river. Once over the river, travel north, follow the river, and check the rocks near the waterfall for a hidden "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker

Checkpoint Rest Town Seeker’s Token Locations

"Checkpoint Rest Town" iconCheckpoint Rest Town and the entire western area of Vermund is very large and spirally. We’ve started the route from the bridge from central Vermund and will take you around the mountainside a few times. However, if you would prefer to make your own route from Checkpoint Rest town that is fine.

Here are all the Seeker’s Token locations we are aware of in and around Checkpoint Rest Town.

Token Description Map Marker
1 From the Bridge of Theodocius the Second, travel west, follow the dirt path south slightly, and then turn east again and go over the grassy pathway. It should bring you to a chest with a rock behind it. The "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token is behind the rock. Map Marker
2 Go back towards the main road where it meets the dirt path, then look west towards the cliffside. There is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the rocks that face the dirt path and the main road. Map Marker
3 Travel south along the dirt trail and enter the "Guerco Cavern" iconGuerco Cavern. You’ll find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token in the northwestern cavern on the cave’s first floor. Map Marker
4 Inside the Guerco Cave, you’ll find another "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token beside a ladder. Go down the ladder and directly to the right should be the Token by the water. Map Marker
5 Return from the cave and travel north, taking the main road west. There should be another part of the road that travels north. The road will bend to look like a ‘C’, and at the bottom of the C is a statue on the hill, potentially guarded by a "Cyclops" iconCyclops. Get the Token from the statue. Map Marker
6 Continue following that road northeast, and then the ‘U’ shape bend in the road, and you should find a ruin with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on top of a piece of it. Employ your best parkour spells or climbing augments to easily reach it. Map Marker
7 Travel further east on the road, and head towards the main river near the large wooden bridge. Look for the ‘U’ bend by the riverbed, and you should find a token overlooking the river from the cliff ledge. Map Marker
8 Take the thin path northwest from the wooden bridge. Continue along the road and just before the road sharply bends right, look for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token beside a tree near the rocks. Map Marker
9 Stick to the cliffside south of the Misty Marshes. Line yourself up with the middle of the marsh, and you should be able to track ledges with the Forested "Griffin" iconGriffin Nest. Climb up to the cliff and claim the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
10 Travel the road leading to the eastern entrance to the Marsh and then move northeast towards the "Strange Corridor" iconStrange Corridor Cave. To the south of the cave is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
11 Travel northwest to a landmark called the "Illdoers' Resting Place" iconIlldoers’ Resting Place. You can find the Token beside two cages. Map Marker
12 Go north of the "Abandoned Home" iconAbandoned Home near the "Illdoers' Resting Place" iconIlldoers’ Resting Place. You’ll find some rocks beside the mountainside with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token among it. Map Marker
13 Continue northwest towards the cliffs. Another Token can be found among them. Map Marker
14 Travel back southeast towards the "Abandoned Home" iconAbandoned Home POI Shack and climb the roof of the building to get the Token. Map Marker
15 Travel southwest to the western entrance of the Misty Marshes. You’ll find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token by the road leading into the entrance. Map Marker
16 At the western entrance to the Misty Marches, there is a cave called "Rock Wall Berme" iconRock Wall Berme. Head inside and look for a rock at the end of the right path for the Token. Map Marker
17 Go the the "Abandoned Home" iconAbandoned Home POI on the western side of Misty Marches, and then start climbing the rocks up the cliffside to reach a harpy area. You should now be able to access the cliffs overlooking the main road with the bend. The Seeker Token is along the ledge. Map Marker
18 Continue to travel west and follow the short path to a ruined tower. The "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token is inside the tower. Map Marker
19 Travel directly south from the tower to where the road meets another road. There’s a ruin above it with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token behind the wall facing the road. Map Marker
20 Travel northwest along the pathway to the castle. On the ‘S’ part of the entrance to the castle, you should find a trebuchet you can place boulders on that slings off o odestroy a boulder after a few attacks. Destroy the boulder to access a new route for a future token. From there go between the castle walls and you can find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the left side. Map Marker
21 Climb the scaffolding near the previous token, and drop into the grassy area north of the wall. You’ll find a cave entrance called "Worldsend Cavern" iconWorldsend Cavern, which takes you through a bandit hideout. Part way through the cave you’ll come across a chest on the right of a thin pathway where ghost enemies spawn. The Token is by the rocks near that chest. Map Marker
22 On the southeastern part of the castle behind a ladder near the tower. Feel free to leave the cave from the previous token and turn left to get to that tower easily from the cave. Map Marker
23 Go back to the the ruined tower near the Marshes, following the road further up the hillside that leads to overlook the main road. You’ll find some bushes at the end of the path with a small graveyard. The toke is hidden via path behind the bushes, guarded by "Knacker" iconKnackers. Map Marker
24 Go inside the Ruined tower overlooking the two bends in the nearby roads. There is a Seeker Token on the tower balcony right at the top of the tower. Need to parkour around the destroyed wall to reach it Map Marker
25 Travel south from the tower on the main road towards the lake. The northeastern edge of the lake has a rock with a token on top of it. Map Marker
26 Continue west along the main road near the lake. You should see a path heading south at the thin point of the water source. There will be a waterfall here, with the Token near it by the side of the path. Map Marker
27 Travel south over the waterfall to the Dilapidated wall. You’ll find the Token amongst the rubble. Map Marker
28 Follow the winding pathway southeast towards the ruined bridge. At the edge of the bridge’s hole should be a Token teetering on the edge. Map Marker
29 Travel far west towards "Checkpoint Rest Town" iconCheckpoint Rest Town. Check the bridge near the small river for the Token to the right of the path. Map Marker
30 Inside Checkpoint Rest. Climb to the roof of the Smithy. You should be able to climb Morris’ Apothecary to reach this roof. Map Marker
31 Follow the large stone road towards the Checkpoint Gate. To the right of the road, you can find a ledge you can climb on which will allow you to path towards the gate on the road. Climb up and you should see a Token on the archway. Map Marker
32 Travel north along the road out of Checkpoint Rest, and then on the second right turning go east. After the ‘V’ bend in the road, you should see a very small cave with the Token inside it. Map Marker
33 Go back west and then travel north at the turning. When that road starts bending northeast, you should find a rock to the left side of the road with the Token atop it. Map Marker
34 Go towards the rock you blew up using the Trebuchet at the castle to find the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token under the rubble where it once stood. Map Marker
35 To the south in the cliffs is a high up cave called "Windworn Gully" iconWindworn Gully. If you access it via the broken bridge, and parkour up all the various climbable rocks, you shall find a small cave with with rocky Saurids. At the far back of the cave is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token.
36 Return to "Checkpoint Rest Town" iconCheckpoint Rest Town, go through the gate, and grab the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the pathway down into Battahl. Follow the right hand side of the road, climb the ledge, and get the Token from it. Map Marker
37 Continue down the path and grab the ledge on the left side for a Token. You can climb up from the broken sandstone wall by the cliff ledge. Map Marker
38 Go further east from the road into Battahl, and grab the coin along the northern edge of the desert between the road and the bend in the mountain. Map Marker
39 Travel west through the Battahl desert, and then head northwest back toward Vermund. You’ll find a rock at the edge of the waterfall near the path with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
40 To the east of this road you should find a place called "Frontier Shrine" iconFrontier Shrine. The Token is along a cliff access by going to the "Frontier Shrine" iconFrontier Shrine. Map Marker
41 Continue up the road north, and you should come across a waterfall. There’s a ledge above the Waterfall with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token location present. Map Marker
42 Continue traveling up the road north, and then follow it eastward. When there’s a turning that goes south, go north into the ruin on the hill for the next Token. Map Marker
43 Continue east along the road, and when the road dips southeast, follow it to the cliff edge for a Token. Map Marker

Battahl Seeker’s Token Locations

The area around Battahl is rather large, mob dense and vertical thanks to all the cliffs and hillsides. We recommend that you take great caution exploring the Battahl area, as it can get very chaotic compared to most other areas in the game. If you’re a little confused about a Seeker’s Token location, then chances are it is on an annoying ledge. Depending on the Vocation you’re running we recommend trying different spots to climb up cliffsides and work your way around, as some classes are much better tan others for getting around this rocky hellscape.

Moreso, we recommend starting inside the "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl city, due to the various routes that you can go through to claim the Seeker’s Token locations through this area.

Here are the locations and recommended orders for the North Battahl Seeker’s Token Locations.

Token Description Map Marker
1 Take the north exit from "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl and wander towards the Dragonforged clan area. Keep following the road till you find a "Forgotten Riftstone" iconForgotten Riftstone. To the south of the Riftstone is a Token overlooking the cliff. Map Marker
2 Continue north along the road and go over the chasm. To the northwest of the campfire, you should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along a rock Map Marker
3 From the campfire near the previous token, travel east along the path, following along the cliffside. There should be a token above the Dragonforged cave facing the eastern sea. Map Marker
4 Stick to the cliffside and move southeast. You’ll find another "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token facing the eastern sea. There should be a path going east from the Riftstone outside of the Dragonforged Cave that leads to the Token. Map Marker
5 Continue south from the Dragonforged Cave and cross over the water following the shallow path. To the east you should find a wagon by the sea, with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token inside it. Map Marker
6 Head back into the City and then go north towards the cliffside of the Flame Palace/Laboratory. It should bring you to a cliffside facing north, with a Token nearby. Map Marker
7 Head back south, and you should find an entrance into the mountainside of the capital. One way should take you to the Gaol. Get yourself a "Makeshift Gaol Key" iconMakeshift Gaol Key, and then enter a cell for a token. Map Marker
8 Continue through the tunnels to reach the "Forbidden Magick Research Lab" iconForbidden Magick Research Lab. You should find a Dragon statue near all the Workshops, with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token by its head. Map Marker
9 Look for a stairway area that goes further down, as at the bottom there’s a skeleton of a dragon where you can find a Token in its remains. Map Marker
10 Continue up the spiral stairs back into the "Flamebearer Palace Audience Chamber" iconFlamebearer Palace Audience Chamber above. You should find a Token by the altar. Map Marker
11 Head south out of the Palace and come across the Forbidden Palace History Chamber. You should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on a bookshelf inside the building. Map Marker
12 Head back into the center of "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl and look for the pools of dye. You should find a small water fountain with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token nearby. Map Marker
13 Go southwest from the center of town towards the market area. You should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the pink tent canopy opposite the Mettelfere’s. Climb up near the cliff via the Inn and then parkour towards this fabric sheet. Map Marker
14 Move towards the "Grand Riftstone of Battahl" iconGrand Riftstone of Battahl and look for the large pillar, as it as a Token atop it. You need to parkour from the smaller pillar to reach this spot. Map Marker
15 Climb up Ropeway Station 1, just to the south of the Great Riftstone. Get up on the cliffside, and then look for a pillar with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token near it. Map Marker
16 Look for a large pillar near the Inn and get to the pillar by being on the cliff near Token 15. Map Marker
17 From the cliffside, continue east towards the Rare Book Sands store in town. You’ll find some rocks behind the stand, which are easier to access by dropping down from the cliffs. Map Marker
18 Now it’s time to exit Battahl. Go along thesouthwest road closest to "Awaran's Arms" iconAwaran’s Arms, and when the road splits north and west, look for a patch of grass near the northern turning for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token location. Map Marker
19 From the previous token, travel northwest near the roads next to "Crumbling Ruins" iconCrumbling Ruins. You’ll find a hillside to the east of it that you can climb, with a Token on the ledge. Map Marker
20 Travel the thinner road leading west from the last token, and enter the "Tomb of Am'Ranna" iconTomb of Am’Ranna. When inside, look out for the collapsing floor, and at the end of the corridor, is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
21 Travel out of the Tomb and head west. Look for a headless statue, where you can find the next Token location. Map Marker
22 Travel north, and look for a mountain type terrain between the Rope station 2 and the "Flamebearers' Resting Place" iconFlamebearers’ Resting Place. Climb up the feature by climbing the rocks to reach the top where the Token is located. Map Marker
23 Travel east towards the "Crumbling Ruins" iconCrumbling Ruins, and on the northern central edge, you should find a raised ledge with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token present. Be careful of the two "Golem" iconGolems in the area. Map Marker
24 Travel north from the last token, and stick towards the cliff near the ravine path with the trees and brushes. There is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token overlooking the ravine path. Map Marker
25 Continue north where you can find the Riftstone where the road bends. There’s a rock opposite the Riftstone with the "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token atop it. Map Marker
26 Travel southwest from the last Token, towards the northeastern tip of the Ropeway 2 Station where it hits the cliffside of the waterfall. You shall find a breakable rock near the waterfall, hiding the Token. Map Marker
27 Continue north and look for the path you can jump across to reach a ledge over the river. There’s a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the high up ledge. Map Marker
28 Continue north till you come to the "Reverent Shrine" iconReverent Shrine, which is a temple you will find that unlocks the "Trickster" iconTrickster vocation. You should find a ladder that leads to the roof of the temple, where you can find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token atop it. Map Marker
29 Travel further north, ignore the first right turning, and then turn right at the second turning, this should lead you to a "Chimera" iconChimera spawn point. Along the rear of the "Chimera" iconChimera spot are some rocks you can find a Token location. Map Marker
30 Travel west along the main road, and you should come across a bluffy area. Above you to the right should be some rocks to climb up the hill, towards the "Rocky Crevasse" iconRocky Crevasse area. Keep going right when facing the entrance, shimmying around the cliffside, near the ore deposits, and then towards the tree at the edge, which hides the Token. Map Markere
31 Look southwest from your previous token, and the third closest bluff with "Harpy" iconHarpy spawns should contain a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. You should be able to climb up using the rocks to reach the top. However, be warned of the many flying threats stopping you from reaching it. Map Marker
32 Continue northwest, and climb a rock face with the "Riftstone of Robustness" iconRiftstone of Robustness that is north of the Ruin in the forest area. You should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the floor of the rockface. Map Marker
33 Travel northwest from the last Token, towards the greenery you can see on the map. The Token is along the cliff edge of that area. Map Marker
34 Travel west and cross the gap over the water source. Go north, then east, and you can find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the northeastern edge of the water source. Map Marker
35 Travel southwest of the waterfall, towards the "Tomb of Te'Glarr" iconTomb of Te’Glarr. To the south of it, you should find some sandstones overlooking the river, with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token among the rocks. Map Marker
36 Travel east and look for the river flowing in the same direction. You now need to make it to the other side of the river the best you can. At the far western edge of the river is an elevated rock with a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token atop it. Map Marker
37 Further east of the south side of the riverbank is another "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the floor. Map Marker
38 Where the main road meets the river, you’ll find a white tent by the side of the main road. There is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token among the clutter of the tent. Map Marker
39 Continue along the road leading northwest from the tent. It should bring you to the "Dimdark Cave" iconDimdark Cave. Above it is a cliff with a bird’s nest housing a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token inside it. Map Marker
40 Travel south to the "Forgotten Ruins" iconForgotten Ruins. Near the ruins should be some rocks you can climb to reach some ledges. There’s a Token location directly south of the second ruin block to the east. Map Marker
41 Travel southwest along the road directly leading away from the "Forgotten Ruins" iconForgotten Ruins. Where the road meets another, look for the long grass west of the road, and you should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token in the blades of grass. Map Marker
42 Travel directly south, over the campfire, and then follow the road south and then west. You should find a road that leads directly up the slope to the cliff ledge that this Token is located on. Map Marker

South Battahl Seeker’s Token Locations

To continue through the Battahl region, you now need to head back to Bakbattahl, and start heading south. Note the southern part of the region is pretty dangerous, with the Wyrmblood Forest area notoriously challenging, thanks to "Medusa" iconMedusa and various Dragon spawns. Thankfully, you won’t need to go to the Medusa pathway, but, you will need to move towards "Dragonsbreath Tower" iconDragonsbreath Tower, which you need to defeat a dragon to collect the Tokens around the area. The forest is a gauntlet of mob density, with Harpies, Wolves, "Warg" iconWargs, and other smaller bosses along the way too. Make sure you’re ready to fight as you get the remaining Tokens to the southwest and beyond.

The final grind for Battahl requires journey into very dense enemy areas to claim the remaining Seeker’s Token locations in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Token Description Map Marker
43 Travel southwest from the city and then follow the main road towards a ruined building by the side of a bluff. Climb the outside of the ruin near the chest to reach the Token on the south side of the building’s outer elevated edge. Map Marker
44 Continue moving southwest, keeping to the cliff. When you reach the part near the Riftstone, look for a way to the cliff ledge to its west as there’s a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
45 Again, continue your pathing towards the southwest. When the road curls towards the river, keep an eye out for a ledge to climb up for another Token hidden away on a ledge. Map Marker
46 Enter the Wyrmblood Forest, and then continue your path west towards the "Dragonsbreath Tower" iconDragonsbreath Tower. When you get to the curve that goes south a considerable amount, look for a viewing statue, which should give you a lead to a direction that brings you to a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token overlooking the road. Map Marker
47 On the same stretch of road look for a pillar to climb as that can lead you to a ledge. Continue north on that ledge towards a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token on the ledge, overlooking the bend you came from. Map Marker
48 Continue heading up the road and then head north over the swaying wooden bridge where you’ll see a leafless tree next to a rock formation to your left. Drop to the grassy platform below and follow the narrow grassy ledge north to find the Token. Map Marker
49 Continue with your journey along the road to the Tower, and when you get to the final bend, look for a stone block that can climb up a ledge. Again, a Token is located on the ledge. Map Marker
50 Follow the road right below the tower, and then look for the pillar that has fallen to act as a ramp up the stone cliff. The Token is on the rock further up from it. Map Marker
51 Fight your way up "Dragonsbreath Tower" iconDragonsbreath Tower and kill the Dragon. When it’s dead, you can look for the stairs you can climb, access the broken wall, and get the Token on top of it. Map Marker
52 On the northern wall at the top of Dragonsbreath. You must jump from the platform above where you fell the dragon. Map Marker
53 Return to the main road southwest of Battahl, then take the main road going southeast instead. When you get to the fork in the road near the Ruin for Token 43, look for a ledge you can climb near the easternmost road. Map Marker
54 Find the large viewpoint statue, climb over the stone bridge to the west, follow the rocks around and look down, the Token is on the next ledge below, before the sleeping "Cyclops" iconCyclops. Map Marker
55 To the southeast, you should find a bridge near a river. Near the bridge is a tower. Go to the rear of the tower for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the floor. Map Marker
56 Cross the bridge to the bandit camp. Stay on the south side of the camp, and you should find a way to climb a cliff ledge. Go west along the ridge and you should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token overlooking the southwest part of the camp. Map Marker
57 Go to the northeastern tip of the bandit camp, then head north to the edge overlooking the river and the sea estuary. There should be a token overlooking the edge. Map Marker
58 Follow the cliff edge to the southeast, and you should find a statue. The Token is on the ledge below the statue, once again facing the water. Map Marker
59 Climb up the mountainside to the south in the bandit hideout. Then proceed east over the mountain tunnel. You should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token along the along the cliffside overlooking the water. Map Marker

Volcanic Island Seeker’s Token Locations

Now it’s time for the final area of the game, the Volcanic Island. This tiny region is only unlocked after players complete the New Godsway main storyline quest. This then brings you south towards the Volcanic island as part of the game’s main storyline. Feel free to progress through the main storyline, but don’t start the "Legacy" iconLegacy quest at the "Excavation Site" iconExcavation Site, as it is the final main quest in the game. Saying that, you need to make your way through to the Excavation Site since there is a Token there.

Moreso, due to the events of the main storyline, you may have a few bridges destroyed. We advise waiting some time if you need the bridges back up and running as a way of getting around the Volcanic Island. It shouldn’t too much of an issue getting around but it is worth noting just in case.

Here are all the Seeker’s Token locations in the Volcanic Island that we know of. This should now tick you over the fabled 220 Seeker’s Tokens to get the final rewards.

Token Description Map Marker
1 Go South from "Bakbattahl" iconBakbattahl and follow the road to the door that opens once you’re into the final few main story quests of the game. Go to the right of the pillar at the "Moonswax Bridge" iconMoonswax Bridge and you’ll find the Token by the floor to the side of the pillar. Map Marker
2 Follow the road to a tiny island where Harpies gather. On the northern tip of the island should be a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token overlooking the sea. Map Marker
3 Follow the bridge (if it is repaired) or take the route through the water to the cliffside and then head north to get back on track. Go to the road closest to the water after the bridge and look for the beach to get the Token. Map Marker
4 Continue back on the road near the coast, and then take the first turning right. While on that path you should be able to climb up a rock overlooking the "Riftstone of Perseverance" iconRiftstone of Perseverance for a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
5 Travel down the road and turn right over the bridge (if the bridge is not there then back around to the cliffside near where you came from the water crossing.) When you get to the point where the bridge meets the fork in the road, you should find a grassy area you can climb that allows you to reach a Token. Map Marker
6 Travel all the way southeast, leading you along the main road to the "Excavation Site" iconExcavation Site. You should find a house to the southeast with a ladder beside it. Climb the ladder to the roof and then climb up a pillar next to it. You should be able to climb some scaffolding, where you’ll find a Token. Map Marker
7 Return from your trip from the "Excavation Site" iconExcavation Site and travel west to the "Volcanic Island Camp" iconVolcanic Island Camp. To the southeast of the camp, you can find the "Volcanic Island Armory" iconVolcanic Island Armory, and to the southeast of that building is a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token. Map Marker
8 Take the road leading northwest from the western edge of town, and climb the grassy hill. As the roads starts to bend south, you should find a Token parallel to it on the hill. Map Marker
9 Travel south of the last Token and look for another cliff along the road immediately ahead of you. There’s another Token up on a ledge that you can climb up via the stones along the road. Map Markre
10 Continue down the path southwest from the "Volcanic Island Camp" iconVolcanic Island Camp. You should come across an insert going northwest into a Ruin area. To the west of the ruin is a ruined building, where you can find a Token on the edge of the wall’s rubble. Map Marker
11 Move slightly further west, and head to the upside-down u shape in the cliff overlooking the sea. You should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token location on the rock by the sea edge. Map Marker
12 Travel west from the main road near the previous Token, then travel south when the road bends down. Follow the direction south towards the cliffside, then turn west along the cliff edge overlooking the path to the south. You should find a "Seeker's Token" iconSeeker’s Token by the cliff edge on that western part of the cliff. Map Marker
13 Go back to the main road to your north and then move west. When the road meets the west, east, and south forks in the road, you should find a cliff to the north where you can climb up to get a Token. Map Marker
14 Travel west near to where the path starts going exclusively back to the Battahl desert. You should come across a campsite along the road south of the island. Above that campfire is a ridge, which you can climb up and access to the west. Follow it around until you can climb up, then turn right and go back to the ledge overlooking the campfire for the Token. Map Marker
15 Follow the pathway west, and before it goes through the straight towards Battahl, go south towards the beach. You should find a rock by the east side of the beach hiding a Token. Map Marker

And there you have it, you should now have gathered over 220 Seeker’s Tokens, allowing you to unlock every single reward available from the Guild Vocation halls. Congratulations on the epic grind and completing this big collectible hunt!

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    28 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    22 May 2024
    Version History
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