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White-Faced Varré NPC




“Are you familiar with grace? The golden light that gives life to you Tarnished. You may also behold its golden rays pointing in a particular direction at times. That is the guidance of grace. The path that a Tarnished must travel.”


  • Right by The First Step Site of Grace.

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Notable Info

First Encounter

You can find Varré near The First Step Site of Grace. There won’t be much you can do with him at the start, but he will tell you that you should head to Stormveil Castle, as well as mention Godrick the Grafted.

He won’t leave The First Step until you defeat the boss Godrick at Stormveil, and reach the Roundtable Keep for the first time. If you’ve been to the Roundtable Keep, but not defeated Godrick yet. You can progress his quest some by talking to him again, as he’ll acknowledge that you’ve made it to the Roundtable Keep, and answer the first option “I’ll fly straight and true”. When you talk to him again, he’ll tell you that you need a Great Rune, and Godrick just happens to have one.

Second Encounter

After defeating Godrick the Grafted, White-Faced Varré can be found at the Rose Church in Liurnia of the Lakes. The Church is on the central island between three sites of graces, these being: Folly on the Lake, Temple Quarter, and Fallen Ruins of the Lake. You’ll find Varre standing outside the northeastern side of the Church.

After exhausting all of his dialogue, he’ll give you the Festering Bloody Finger and ask you to invade three players. You can do this right here by interacting with the Festering Bloody Finger, this will put you in another online players world, and your goal is to defeat them. For the quest, you only need to invade three times, not win.

Once you’ve invaded three people, head back to Varre and talk to him again. He’ll tell you that want to anoint you, “A knight to serve Luminary Mohg, the Lord of Blood, and establish a new dynasty.” Tell him to “Anoint me” and he’ll give you one final task to complete before he accepts you in their order. The task would normally be to kill your own maiden, but as you’re maidenless, he’ll tell you that anyone’s maiden will do.

There are two maidens you can get the blood from, and they can be found at either the Church of Inhibition, which is on the eastern landmass of Liurnia northwest of the Frenzied Flame Village. The second place is the Chapel of Anticipation, which can only be accessed by unlocking the second belfry of The Four Belfries in the western landmass of Liurnia. To unlock the belfry, you’ll need an Imbued Sword Key, which can be found in a chest in front of the fourth belfry at the top.

It’s worth noting that if you go to the Chapel of Anticipation, you’ll need to fight a boss first. When it’s defeated, the maiden can be found dead by the left side of the wall as soon as you enter the Church.

Once you have the blood-soaked favor, head back to Varre, and he’ll reward you with a reusable Bloody Finger, talking to him again will reward you with the Pureblood Knight’s Medal. This leads to Mohgwyn’s palace, where you can fight Mohg, Lord of Blood. This is the earliest part in the game that you can fight this Lord.

Final Encounter

After using the Pureblood Knight’s Medal, head up the stairs to the southwest and to a Site of Grace. Now make your way all the way to the end of this path, ignoring the enemies along the way and you’ll enter a dark passage. Use your Lantern and keep to the left, defeating the first enemy and then proceeding northwest to an area with plenty of tombstones.

Keep to the left still and follow this area to the northeast and you’ll find a way out of this crypt. You’ll come across an invasion sign, but ignore it first and use the Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint Site of Grace first.

Now return to the Invasion sign and you’ll see it belongs to White-Faced Varré and you’ll need to invade him and kill him to complete this Quest. Head back to the south to have Varré attack you and you’ll want to be wary of his weapon, this will cause massive Bloodloss buildup so back away and recover if it’s too high. He does seem to have low poise, allowing to flinch him easily with heavier weapons (or using skills such as the Waterfowl Dance from the Hand of Malenia). Once you return to your world, you’ll find him on the floor, speak with him and exhaust his dialogue and once he’s passed, you’ll be able to loot the Varré’s Bouquet weapon from his body.

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