While they have their differences, Sabal and Amita both agree that it’s Noore’s turn to get taken down. You have to go to Shanath Arena, so fast travel there and head to the main entrance. It seems you can’t get in this way, so you’ll have to find another way inside. At the main entrance, look up and you should see a grapple point, so use it to get to another entrance to the arena.
Use the grapple point (left) to find the alternate entrance to the arena (right).
Follow the path until you reach the control room, killing the guards there. Use the bottoms to release animals into the arena below, causing chaos and having them kill the enemies there. This will tick Noore off and she’ll start sending guards after you. Considering the layout of the place, the enemies should be easy to fend off due to the path being linear.
Eventually, you’ll reach a pit, where you simply need to climb up the ledge opposite where you dropped down. There’s no more enemies between you and Noore now, who won’t notice you right away. In fact, you can shoot her before she does notice you, but if you wait long enough, there will be a conversation before the mission will come to an end.
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