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Ramuh Eikons

Category iconIn-game Description

The Warden of Thunder, whose power most lately awakened within "Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon. The "Eikon" iconEikon is known the realm over as a symbol of judgment, no doubt inspired by its sage mien and the scepter with which it summons its levinbolts. Folklore has it that not only are "Dominant" iconDominants of "Ramuh" iconRamuh blessed with the command of lightning, they are also granted a deeper understanding of the true nature of the world.

Hidden Truths

The Warden of Thunder, whose power most lately awakened within "Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon. "Dominant" iconDominants of the "Eikon" iconEikon most often emerge among descendants of the Motes of Thunder, a tribe who once dwelled in the lands of central "Ash" iconAsh—lands that the Kingdom of Waloed now lays claim to. Mayhap in part due to the tribe’s comparatively advanced learning, "Ramuh" iconRamuh is associated with wisdom and judgment to this day.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Cid's Hideaway" iconCid's Hideaway Lay of the Land
"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Eikon" iconEikon Mysteries of the Realm
"Priming" iconPriming Mysteries of the Realm

Eikon Abilities

Category iconScreenshots

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