Goetz Persons of Interest
In-game Description
First Encounter
One of Cid’s trusted allies. A gentle giant who has a warm word for everyone.
In Charon’s Service
Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. A gentle giant who has a warm word for everyone, but is not afraid to put his foot down in the face of injustice.
Goetz’s every waking moment is spent in service to his “Nan,” and he can do little of his own accord without her express permission.
As Prentice Smith
Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. After Cid’s hideaway was reduced to rubble at the hands of
Hugo Kupka, he followed his Nan in joining Clive at their new home on the lake. He has a keen interest in smithing, and spends what little spare time he is granted heating and hammering metal just as
Blackthorne showed him.
On the Road to the Dominion
Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. He is the proud bearer of a trader’s pass that allows him to travel freely across the realm—something that is indispensable in completing the errands that
Charon sets him. His latest task—to journey to the Crystalline Dominion in the company of Clive and Jill, using the pass to cross the heavily guarded and fortified border.
Following the Destruction of Twinside
Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. He aided Clive and Jill in gaining entry to the besieged Crystalline Dominion by having them pose as sellswords hired to protect an honest merchant visiting
Twinside to trade in smithing paraphernalia. Somehow surviving the chaos that was to follow, he was scooped up from the ruined city by Joshua, who transformed into the Phoenix to effect his allies’ escape.
A Hidden Past
Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway.
Charon purchased
Goetz from his neglectful parents after witnessing how they abused and undervalued their child, and it has been his pleasure to serve her ever since. His Nan feels much the same way about him, going so far as to call him her “right eye”—on the rare occasions she lets her true feelings slip.
Detailed Location
- Usually found in
Cid’s Hideaway.
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