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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate

Category iconDescription

The city of Baldur’s Gate is a major region and a prominent location within Act Three of Baldur’s Gate 3. As a central hub in the game, Baldur’s Gate encompasses various districts, including Rivington and Wyrm’s Crossing, Wyrm’s Rock, and Lower City. Baldur’s Gate, often referred to as the Gate, stood as a bustling metropolis within the Sword Coast and the Western Heartlands. A thriving center of commerce and opportunity, it held the position of one of the most influential merchant cities along the western coast of Faerûn. Despite its neutral stance, the city’s leadership was a part of the Lords’ Alliance, a significant alliance of western powers.

How to Find / Access

To reach Baldur’s Gate, players need to complete Act 1 and proceed through Act 2 by overcoming challenges such as "Moonrise Towers" iconMoonrise Towers. Afterward, Baldur’s Gate becomes accessible as part of Act 3. It’s recommended to ensure your character and companions are at least level 5 before entering Act 2 due to increasing challenges.


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