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Moonlight Glaive Glaive

Category iconLore

A gift from Dame Aylin and her radiant goddess, this weapon’s contours hold a silver-white beauty akin to the nightly lantern that climbs the firmament each evening.

Location / Where to Find

Free the Nightsong in Act 2.

Category iconEffects/Special Abilities

"Moonlight Glaive" iconMoonlight Glaive: Glowing - This object shines with a glowing light in a radius of 6m.
Moonlight Butterflies: Stike a foe, conjuring an illusionary swarm of butterflies, gaining Advantage on attacks against the target. Deal additional "Psychic" iconPsychic damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. When the target moves away from your illusion, it takes 1-6 Psychic Damage,


"Rush Attack" iconRush Attack Weapon Actions
"Lacerate" iconLacerate Weapon Actions
"Brace (Melee)" iconBrace (Melee) Weapon Actions


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