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Ash of War: Prayerful Strike Sacred

Raise armament aloft in prayer, then slam it into the ground.


The Ash of War: Prayerful Strike grants the Sacred affinity (which adds Holy damage and Faith scaling, decreases physical damage, most damage negation) when attached to a weapon and allows for the use of the Skill: Prayerful Strike when the weapon is equipped.


Skill: Prayerful Strike
Raise armament aloft in prayer, then slam it into the ground. This inspired blow restores HP to the self and nearby allies if it successfully hits.


  • Dropped from another invisible Teardrop Scarab found near the western entrance of Leyndell, Royal Capital. You can see a streak of glowing tracks in a tunnel on the lake next to the entrance there. Attack at just the right moment to kill the scarab and get the Ash of War.

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Notable Info

  • Usable on axes and hammers.
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