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The Deadlands Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

Barren wastes bereft of aether, where no life stirs, and magic is all but unusable. Here, both earth and water are stained black, preventing any seed from quickening. In recent years, the Blight has spread ever more widely, displacing whole nations before it, driving once peaceable fauna to violent desperation, and leaving silent devastation in its wake.

Hidden Truths

Barren wastes where the aether has dried up entirely, and no longer gives the land life. Not only does this render magic all but unusable, but the ground and water are also stained darkest black, and not even the smallest seedling grows. Little to the knowledge of most Valistheans, the spreading Blight is in fact driven by the Mothercrystals that drain away the land’s aether for "Ultima" iconUltima’s ends. Though the beings flew to "Valisthea" iconValisthea to escape the Blight, overuse of magic by the human civilizations that followed only succeeded in despoiling this last unblemished land.

Category iconScreenshots


Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Valisthea" iconValisthea Lay of the Land

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Magic" iconMagic Mysteries of the Realm
"Aether" iconAether Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
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