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Godfrey, First Elden Lord Leyndell, Royal Capital Boss

Boss Type
Legend Boss


Godfrey, First Elden Lord is the penultimate Legend boss in Elden Ring. You will fight Hoarah Loux in the second phase of this battle. For information on how to beat both Godfrey and Hoarah Loux, head over to our guide.


The age of the Erdtree began amongst conflict, when Godfrey was lord of the battlefield. He led the War against the Giants. Faced the Storm Lord, alone. And then, there came a moment. When his last worthy enemy fell. And it was then, as the story is told, that the hue of Lord Godfrey’s eyes faded.


Notable Info

  • Serosh is the name of Godfrey’s beast.
  • You will fight Godfrey in the first phase and Hoarah Loux in the second.
  • Godfrey has slow, but hard hitting attacks.
  • When Godfrey spins his axe overhead, he will slam it into the ground and cause cracks to shoot out across the arena that will shortly explode. Make sure you’re not standing on a crack when the explosion goes off.
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