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Shivta Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon

In-Game Description

The corruption in "Alcarnus" iconAlcarnus has bled into these ruins



The dungeon consists of quite a lot of undead at the start throughout the dungeon, followed by the few skittering mobs. We recommend taking the "Elixir of Undead Slaying" iconElixir of Undead Slaying to deal with the plenty of undead you will fight, and spawn when you take a pedestal. Otherwise, go with a more generic one for the boss and other adds, or a more protective flask per the Nightmare dungeon modifier.

The main mapping of this dungeon is done in what may as well be one very, very large rectangle, with the occasional room splintering off, leading to potential pedestal spawns. Throughout the far edges of the map, you will find small rooms where you can get the pedestals from. One typically spawns on the souther / right side of the map, while another on the left and upper part of the map. You will need to cross lots of wide open spaces filled with mobs to make it to both destinations. Once you have both, you can typically find the doorway around the top right corner of the map. Open the door, kill the boss, and you’re done

Detailed Location

Go to the Dunes of Despair, which is a region of the Amber Sands province in Kehjistan. Follow the pathway up the the ruins, and the dungeon will be near a set of stairs.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Sanctuary Map

X: 4696 Y: 12263
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