If you’ve lost something, it’s bound to be somewhere… right? We hope so.
After finishing both halves, we watch Axel/Lea walk around the computer rooms of Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion confused on the locations of the remaining members of the Organization. Aeleus, Dilan, and Even are apparently awake, but not stable.
So Axel/Lea opts to search the castle grounds, but decides not to after it is apparent that they’d have shown up by now. So where are they? Ienzo thinks that when one is recompleted, they return to where the “dis-completion” occurred.
And if the world they were in is not there any longer? Traverse Town appears and they go there. But they were “dis-completed” here! So where ARE they? Were they not completed? So Axel/Lea decides to find them, somehow…
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