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Lords of the Fallen (2023)

All Inferno Catalysts Locations - Lords of the Fallen

Matt Chard

Lords of the Fallen has three magic schools you can use in the game which are Radiance (Holy), Inferno (Fire), and Umbral (Dark). If you want to cast any spells from their respective school, you’ll need a catalyst of their magic type, so a Radiant Catalyst for Radiance spells, Inferno Catalyst for Inferno spells, and an Umbral Catalyst for Umbral Spells. Unless you begin the game as a starting class that has one already equipped, which is Pyric Cultist for Inferno, you’ll need to either purchase or find them. Here, we have compiled a list of all the Inferno Catalysts in the game which will show you where to find them, what one is the best, what scaling each one has, and what it costs to upgrade them.

The Pyric Cultist starting class comes equipped with an Inferno Catalyst. If you don’t select this at the beginning, you’ll need to wait a while before getting one.

Where to Find Inferno Catalysts

The first Inferno Catalyst you will find aside from the one that the Pyric Cultist and the secret Lord class ("Pyric Cultist Catalyst" iconPyric Cultist Catalyst/"Lord Catalyst" iconLord Catalyst) has is "Searing Accusation" iconSearing Accusation which can be accessed after defeating the boss on the left path of Fitzroy’s Gorge (where the enemies are fighting each other). From there, take the elevator up to Pilgrim’s Perch and follow the path to find the back area of Skyrest which is where you’ll also find the Skyrest Bridge key. While there, you can find a door to open which leads you into a secluded part of Skyrest where you’ll find the Tortured Prisoner and other loot, but more importantly, an umbral puzzle that conceals the catalyst. Click on this Tortured Prisoner guide to find out the exact location in more detail.

Every Inferno Catalyst Locations

Here is a list of every Inferno Catalyst you can find in the game:

Name Location Spell Power Min. Scaling Max. Scaling Spell Slots
"Pyric Cultist Catalyst" iconPyric Cultist Catalyst Start as the Pyric Cultist Class or Purchase from the Tortured Prisoner in the hidden part of Skyrest. 100 C- A- 3
"Searing Accusation" iconSearing Accusation In the hidden part of Skyrest. You’ll need to be in the Umbral Realm to Soul Flay two Umbral Bellies which will destroy the Umbral Occurrence atop the ladder. This is near the King’s memory. Soul Flay the Umbral Belly concealed by said Occurrence to find the catalyst. 100 C+ A 4
"Lord Catalyst" iconLord Catalyst Starting equipment for the secret Lord Class, or Bramis Castle, in a chest hidden in the library. 135 D C 3
"Rhogar Heart" iconRhogar Heart This can be acquired by defeating the Conflagrant Seer enemies that can be found in Bramis Castle, unfortunately, the drop rate is on the lower end. 94 D+ A+ 5
"Miranda's Touch" iconMiranda’s Touch Bramis Castle. You’ll get this as a reward for completing Damarose’s quest line. (If you cleanse the beacons, Damarose’s quest is no longer available). 135 D+ C+ 3

Best Inferno Catalyst in Lords of the Fallen

"Miranda's Touch" iconMiranda’s Touch is one of the better catalysts due to its high Spell Power, with Lord Catalyst just behind it. However, if you’re heavily investing into the Inferno stat (30+) then any of "Rhogar Heart" iconRhogar Heart, Searing Accusation, and even the Pyric Cultist Catalyst are better as they can scale to a higher level, but you won’t notice this until you’re at a higher Inferno level. So, in short, the higher your inferno stat, use Rhogar Heart, Searing Accusation, and the Pyric Cultist Catalyst. If your Inferno is at the lower end of the spectrum (15-24), use Miranda’s Touch, or Lord Catalyst if you’ve messed up Damarose’s quest line.

Inferno Catalyst Upgrade Cost

To reach the maximum scaling of a Catalyst, you’ll need to upgrade it to +10. With each upgrade, the scaling will increase, and the Spell Power will marginally go up. Every Catalyst will cost the same amount of materials for each upgrade which are as follows:

More Catalyst Guides

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    CI Games
  • Platforms,
    PS4, PS5, Steam, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 October 2023
  • Last Updated
    8 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game. After an age of the cruelest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever.

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