The following guide covers all the trophies in the game, adding details for those not covered already in the walkthrough.
One Last Time :
Collect All The Trophies.
Name | Description |
Charted! - Explorer | Complete the game in explorer mode |
Charted! - Light | Complete the game in light mode |
Charted! - Moderate | Complete the game in moderate mode |
Charted! - Hard | Complete the game in hard mode |
Charted! - Crushing | Complete the game in crushing mode |
Charted! - Speedrun | Complete the game in 6 hours or less |
Name | Description |
First Treasure | Find a Treasure |
Treasure Hunter | Find 50 treasures |
Treasure Master | Find all Treasures |
Relic Finder | Find the Strange Relics |
Jot This Down | Find a Journal Entry |
Lost Art of Journaling | Find all Journal Entries |
Take a Note | Find a Journal Note |
Lost History | Find All Journal Notes |
Head of the Class! & You Have a Head for this Business :
This requires you to defeat 20 and 50 enemies with headshots. You’ll probably get this on your first playthrough of the game, just remember to aim for the head in combat.
Hangman’s Bullet :
This requires you to perform 20 headshots from the rope. Unless you know this exists and make an effort to shoot enemies from ropes throughout the game you likely won’t earn this naturally.
There are a few places to farm this, but the large encounter on the drawbridge in Chapter 10 provides plenty of enemies right at a checkpoint. From the crank for the drawbridge you can find the grappling point to the right, in the gap between the drawbridge and the adjacent building. Remember to turn aim assist off so that you get headshots rather than body shots and restart the checkpoint at any point to refresh the enemies.
Stealth First Ask Questions Later & Shh Sleep Now :
This requires you to defeat 5 and 30 enemies with stealth takedown by pressing Square while not detected. You’ll probably get this on your first playthrough of the game, especially if you follow this guide. These can be farmed alongside the trophy “I Though I Heard Something”.
I Thought I Heard Something :
This requires you to perform 30 vertical takedowns by defeating an enemy from a ledge above or from a rope by pressing O. It’s unlikely that you’ll gain this naturally, as there are limited areas that have good spots for this.
The best place for this is the scripted encounter at the bridge encounter in Chapter 8, where you drop on the enemy who stops to “take a leak”. Do this and repeat the checkpoint multiple times until you gain the trophy. This can be farmed alongside the stealth takedown trophies as well.
Run-and-Gunner :
This requires you to defeat 50 enemies by shooting from the hip without holding down L2 to aim. You’ll probably get this on your first playthrough of the game, just remember not to aim in combat. This can be farmed alongside the trophy “Unstoppable!”.
Leapfrog :
This trophy is nearly impossible to get naturally, as it requires you to defeat 10 enemies while alternating between gunfire and melee attacks. Any location where there is a decent number of enemies can be used to farm this, but make sure you play on a low difficulty to allow Nate to take plenty of damage.
Unstoppable! :
This requires you to defeat 100 enemies in a row without dying. If you play on high difficulties for your first playthrough this will likely be something you need to farm. Load up the ballroom encounter in Chapter 7 on the lowest difficulty and farm the infinite enemies outside, instead of getting into the car. This can be farmed alongside the trophy “Run-and-Gunner”.
Sharpshooter :
This requires you to complete the game with 70% or higher hit ratio. Unless you’re a really good shot this is likely not something you’ll achieve on your first playthrough of the game. Complete this on a second playthrough by using lock-on aim, infinite ammo, and the Barok .44 via the Bonus menu.
Rushing Roulette :
This requires you to defeat an enemy with a pistol, machine gun, and grenade - in that order - within 15 seconds. The best place for this is at the drawbridge encounter in Chapter 10 when the enemies first arrive. If for some reason you fail to get this, simply restart the checkpoint and try again.

Rushing Roulette
Defeat enemies with a pistol, machine gun, and grenade, in that order, in 15 seconds

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