Guardian Lord¶
Change of Heart¶
When you reach Level 7 you’ll unlock your first Tier Two Ability; this should be for your Grenade Modifier. Go to the Upgrade Screen and select this new Grenade Modifier then go back to the original one to receive this achievement.
Ship Rite¶
This achievement is obtained after completing the Prologue “A Guardian Rises”
Bane of the Emperor¶
To get a precision kill on Cabal you’ll need to shoot them in the head. Any mission will do, you can camp out at the starting zone and simply defeat the Cabal that respawn constantly, retreating back to safety if you feel threatened.
This achievement won’t become unlocked until you reach higher levels as you’ll begin to obtain more Engrams after Level 18. It’s not a difficult one to obtain as you’ll get it through gameplay. Focus on Strikes and the Crucible to receive Engrams.
Use of Weapons¶
Play through the Story Missions and you’ll undoubtedly obtain a lot of gear that you won’t use. Simply dismantle this gear by highlighting it and pressing square/X to dismantle it. Over time you’ll reach 50.
The Life Exotic¶
Exotic gear is rare and powerful, identified by its yellow border. The best ways to obtain this gear is from Legendary Engrams, Raiding, completing an Exotic Bounty, purchasing it from Xur, Agent of the Nine, and/or the Weekly Nightfall Strike.
A New Steed¶
After completing the Story Mission “Warmind” you’ll be given a Sparrow and thus unlock this achievement.
Suited for War¶
You’ll need to equip all slots with Legendary or Exotic gear and that isn’t simple. Through some lucky drops you might be able to speed it up but the surest way of completing this daunting task is to raise your Vanguard and Crucible ranks to 3 so you may purchase Weapons and Armor with Marks. It will take some time and could take upto 3 weeks to be able to purchase everything, but with a little luck and purchases from Xur, Agent of the Nine you can do it a bit faster.
Bane of the Kell¶
Shoot Fallen in the head for a precision shot. This can be done in the Prologue with some good shooting though the first mission. Restoration serves as a perfectly fine mission for completing this as well. Just run around The Steppes to find plenty of Dreg and Vandals waiting to be killed.
Lucky 7s¶
You don’t need to obtain exactly 777 points, simply go over it. You’ll earn points for almost everything you do. Killing a certain number of enemies, going into a new area, and finding Dead Ghosts will net you large amounts of points pretty fast. Play through the Story Missions and you’ll likely pick this one up.
Bane of the Dead¶
Hive will take precision damage from headshots. The best place to do this early is during “The Dark Within” while on your way through the Lunar Complex. The Hive spawn almost continually until you defeat the Wizard so line up your shots to earn this one pretty easily.
Walk near a character and press R3/Right Thumbstick then Options. Choose Inspect Player and you will have unlocked this one. Alternatively, you can highlight one of your friends and inspect them too.
Blink of an Eye¶
There are plenty of places to do this easily, the best one is the end of the first mission on the Moon, “The Dark Beyond” where you’ll be faced with a large number of Hive. Just toss a Grenade in that mess to get a bunch of kills quickly.
Relic Hunter¶
This is a weekend only event. You need to take control of a poin; its simple enough with a good team. A Titan with Ward of Dawn can guard the point easily and getting the Heavy Weapon Ammo at 2:00, 5:00, and 9:00 is useful.
You’ll need to earn 100 Vanguard Marks. You’ll get 4 from Gold Tier on Public Events and it’s easy enough to run around Earth to obtain these. The Weekly Nightfall will net 15 Marks and Weekly Heroic Strike is another 9. The Daily Story Mission is another 5 Marks and isn’t very challenging most of the time in comparison. Likewise, if you can’t handle the harder mission just do some Vanguard Strikes.
You’ll need 100 Crucible Marks and there isn’t an easy way to get this. Rumble is the fastest way, especially if you’re pretty good. Winning earns 3 Marks and losing earns 2 Marks, so at the most you’ll have to play 50 matches.
Public Defender¶
The best place to do this is on Earth. Start a Patrol and visit the Mothyards at XX:00 and XX:30 for a Public Event then visit The Divide at XX:15 and XX:45 for another. Most of them are pretty simple, just defend or destroy. The only hard one is killing the target before it reaches its destination.
Finders Keepers¶
Play Control and stick with your team as you move to different bases (A, B, and C). You’ll always start the match right next to one so capture that one first.
Hunter Killer¶
Kills and Assists both count towards this total so it’s best to play Control or Clash. You should earn this within 10 or so matches.
Giant Slayer¶
Kills and Assists both count towards this total so it’s best to play Control or Clash. You should earn this within 10 or so matches.
Witch Hunter¶
Kills and Assists both count towards this total so it’s best to play Control or Clash. You should earn this within 10 or so matches.
Ask Questions Later¶
This is best done on Rumble because you’ll start near enemies often. It’s easy enough to run up to the players with a Shotgun or Fusion Rifle early in the game for a quick one-hit kill.
Excessive Force¶
You’ll get heavy weapon ammo every 4 minutes or so and it’s usually in the same spot on every map. The Machine Gun will let you get more kills if you play safe, but the Rocket Launcher works wonders in Control where everyone tries to guard a control point since you can just let a round fly and likely get 2-4 kills easily.
Triple Play¶
You must score a triple kill against all three classes. This is best done during Skirmish where the teams consist of one of each. Usually teams stick together to best win the match. You can take advantage of this by using a Super or Rocket Launcher to defeat them all quickly.
To achieve this you must complete all six major events in Vault of Glass: The Entrance, The Oracles, Templar, Gorgons’ Labyrinth, Awaken the Glass Throne, and defeat Atheon.
Raiding Party¶
Join a clan in and complete Vault of Glass with them.
Epic Raider¶
You’ll want plenty of Raid Gear to defeat the Vault of Glass on Hard. Anyone who dies during an encounter must wait until the fight is over to be resurrected so it’s not a walk in the park by any means. You will need a good team and a lot of communication. See the Vault of Glass section for more help.
Flawless Raider¶
This is best done on Normal with a skilled group that is familiar with all the challenges in the Vault of Glass.
Vanguard Honor¶
It takes 6,000 Total Reputation to achieve Rank 3. The biggest chunks are from doing the Weekly Nightfall (500), the Weekly Heroic Strike at Level 28 (400), and the Daily Heroic Story (350). Bounties will net 50 or 100 and Patrols/Vanguard Strikes net 10-25. This can be increased by doing Nightfall and earning a bonus 25% for everything else.
A Friend Indeed¶
This is best done during Strikes as your fellow players will undoubtedly fall during battle. Simply resurrect and you’ll achieve this in no time.
Rising Vanguard¶
Head off to The Devil’s Lair once you are around Level 8 and complete the Strike. Likewise, do any Strike and you’ll obtain this Trophy.
Strength of the Pack¶
Join a clan on and complete any Strike, simple enough.

Strength of the Pack
Complete a Strike with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.

Flawless Striker¶
The easiest Strike is the Nexus on Venus. The initial area with the three Servitors can be handled by staying at the entrance and picking them off. From here you can practically run past everything else to the boss. Stay up top and you can shoot the boss easily, you’ll just have to defeat the Minotaur that spawns every 30 seconds or so behind you. A Void Fusion Rifle/Sniper Rifle should be plenty to defeat it and keep you from harm.
Ghost Hunter¶
You’ll want to consult the overview of each world to find all the Dead Ghosts.
Dragon Slayer¶
Upon defeating the Devil Archon during Restoration you’ll unlock this Trophy.
Hunter Mastery¶
It’s easier to max out the one you start with, just don’t toggle back and forth and you’ll get it by doing Bounties and the Story.
Titan Mastery¶
It’s easier to max out the one you start with, just don’t toggle back and forth and you’ll get it by doing Bounties and the Story.
Warlock Mastery¶
It’s easier to max out the one you start with, just don’t toggle back and forth and you’ll get it by doing Bounties and the Story.
Packing Heat¶
You’ll need 32 Weapon Parts, 80 Upgrade Materials (likely Relic Iron), and 18 Ascendant Energy to complete this.
Fully Weaponized¶
You’ll need 32 Weapon Parts, 80 Upgrade Materials (likely Relic Iron), and 18 Ascendant Energy to complete this.
Bane of the Machines¶
Most Vex will take precision damage in their flowing midsection, Minotaurs are the exception. Any mission works but The Archives is a safe one to do since you’ll be in the Ishtar Commons.
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