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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion

How to Unlock all Shops in Crisis Core Reunion

Matt Chard
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As you progress through Crisis Core Reunion, you’ll unlock shops which can be accessed on the main menu. Although two of these are unlocked automatically, there are many hidden shops that you’ll need to unlock. These are well worth the trouble of unlocking them as soon as possible as they’ll have access to items and materia before you can unlock them via gameplay. This page will detail all shops, and how to unlock them, and what they sell.

All Shop Locations

There are 16 shops in total, and only three of these will be automatically added via story progress. The other 13 will be available to you after completing the required mission. Unlocking all shops will reward you with the Trophy/Achievement: Shop Completionist

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Shop Completionist

Unlocked all shops.

Trophy icon
Shop Name Availability Unlock
Shinra Building Shop Available at the Start Default shop at the beginning of the game.
Wutai Secret Shop Chapter 2 Complete the mission 4-2-6 - “The Five Saints of Wutai”.
Sector 7 - Shop Chapter 2 Complete the mission 4-4-3 - “Infiltration”.
Nibel Accessories Chapter 2 Complete the mission 6-4-4 - “Hiding in the Wasteland”.
Research Dept. QMC Chapter 3 After defeating the boss halfway through the chapter. Given to you by Cissnei.
Online Shop Shade Chapter 3 Complete the mission 9-5-4 - “Abnormal Power”.
Online Shop Duo Chapter 4 Complete the mission 9-3-3 - “Genesis’s New Weapon”.
Bone Village Outlet Chapter 4 Complete the mission 7-5-3 - “Girl on the Desert Island”.
The Happy Turtle Chapter 5 Complete the mission 4-3-6 - “Stop the Assailants”.
Sector 8 - Materia Shop Chapter 6 Complete the mission 6-2-1 - “Slum Development Plan 1”.
Sector 5 - Materia Shop Chapter 6 Complete the mission 6-2-3 - “Mako Excavation Site”.
Sector 6 - Accessory Shop Chapter 6 Complete the mission 6-2-6 - “Underground City”.
Research Dept. QMC+ Chapter 9 Treasure Chest in Gongaga Village.
Gongaga Trading Chapter 10 Complete the mission 2-3-1 - “Unidentified Monsters”.
Junon Souvenirs Chapter 10 Complete the mission 2-4-1 - “A Solitary Island”.
Mythril Mine Traders Chapter 10 Complete the mission 2-4-5 - “Cave-In Investigation”.

Shinra Building Shop

This is the default shop available at the beginning of the game.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Potion" iconPotion 50 "Soma" iconSoma 200
"Ether" iconEther 200 "Remedy" iconRemedy 200

Wutai Secret Shop

At the beginning of Chapter 2, you can unlock the mission 4-1-1 – “Wutai Units Found” by accessing the Save Point. Now complete every subsequent mission after it until you complete mission 4-2-6 - “The Five Saints of Wutai”, you’ll unlock the shop. Although you can unlock this as early as Chapter 2, odds are you won’t be strong enough to complete all the missions until you can get access to the stronger Materia. Wait until you get Materia Fusion in Chapter 3.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Quake" iconQuake 18,000 "Hell Firaga" iconHell Firaga 15,000
"Hell Blizzaga" iconHell Blizzaga 15,000 "Hell Thundaga" iconHell Thundaga 15,000
"Drain Blade" iconDrain Blade 10,000 "Power Drain" iconPower Drain 14,000
"Aerial Drain" iconAerial Drain 18,000 "Status Strike" iconStatus Strike 40,000
"Status Ward" iconStatus Ward 40,000 "Elemental Strike" iconElemental Strike 40,000
"Elemental Ward" iconElemental Ward 40,000 "Firaga Blade" iconFiraga Blade 10,000
"Blizzaga Blade" iconBlizzaga Blade 10,000 "Thundaga Blade" iconThundaga Blade 10,000

Sector 7 - Shop

Same as the "Wutai Secret Shop" iconWutai Secret Shop, this can technically be unlocked at the start of Chapter 2. After unlocking the Wutai shop, continue completing the subsequent mission that unlock until you complete mission 4-4-3 - “Infiltration”. Once again, at this stage of the game you may not be strong enough to complete the missions. Wait until you get Materia Fusion in Chapter 3.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Fire Ring" iconFire Ring 3,000 "Ice Ring" iconIce Ring 3,000
"Lightning Ring" iconLightning Ring 3,000 "Fire Armlet" iconFire Armlet 3,000
"Ice Armlet" iconIce Armlet 3,000 "Lightning Armlet" iconLightning Armlet 3,000
"Dragon Armlet" iconDragon Armlet 20,000 "Wizard Bracelet" iconWizard Bracelet 80,000
"Element Blade" iconElement Blade 20,000 "Brigand's Gloves" iconBrigand’s Gloves 10,000
"Mog's Amulet" iconMog’s Amulet 10,000 "X-Potion" iconX-Potion 1,000

Nibel Accessories

Another shop that can technically be completed at the start of Chapter 2 as that is when mission 6-4-4: “Hiding in the Wasteland” can be unlocked, although you most likely won’t be strong enough at that stage of the game to defeat the enemies. Wait until you get Materia Fusion in Chapter 3.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Paralyzing Shock" iconParalyzing Shock 15,000 "Mortal Shock" iconMortal Shock 15,000
"Mute Shock" iconMute Shock 15,000 "System Shock" iconSystem Shock 15,000
"Venom Shock" iconVenom Shock 15,000 "Gris-Gris Bag" iconGris-Gris Bag 3,000
"Headband" iconHeadband 3,000 "Pearl Necklace" iconPearl Necklace 8,000
"Safety Bit" iconSafety Bit 5,000 "Sprint Shoes" iconSprint Shoes 3,000
"Star Pendant" iconStar Pendant 3,000 "White Cape" iconWhite Cape 3,000

Research Dept. QMC

You’ll automatically unlock this shop by progressing through the story. Halfway through Chapter 3, you’ll encounter a boss. After defeating the boss, the NPC Cissnei will give you the shop address.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Fire" iconFire 1,000 "Cure" iconCure 1,000
"Blizzard" iconBlizzard 1,000 "Esuna" iconEsuna 3,000
"Thunder" iconThunder 1,000 "Libra" iconLibra 1,000
"Star Pendant" iconStar Pendant 3,000 "White Cape" iconWhite Cape 3,000
"Headband" iconHeadband 3,000

Online Shop Shade

Once again, this technically can be unlocked in Chapter 3 as the shop address is hidden within a chest in the mission 9-5-4 - “Abnormal Power”. The problem is to reach this mission, you’ll need to do a long series of hard missions to unlock it. Outside of you playing around with the Materia Fusion system to craft yourself some extremely strong materia, the odds of you unlocking this shop that early is unlikely. Still, it is doable.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Precious Watch" iconPrecious Watch 10,000 "Jeweled Ring" iconJeweled Ring 10,000
"Genji Helm" iconGenji Helm 1,000,000 "Apocalypse" iconApocalypse 10,000
"Dualcast" iconDualcast 30,000

Online Shop Duo

This shop can be unlocked during Chapter 4 which is when the mission 8-4-1 - “Suspicious Mail 1” becomes available. Complete the subsequent missions until you have access to mission 9-3-3 - “Genesis’s New Weapon”. Complete this to unlock the shop address. You’ll have to complete a lot of difficult missions to unlock this mission, so make sure your accessories/materia are up to snuff.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Blaze Armlet" iconBlaze Armlet 10,000 "Bolt Armlet" iconBolt Armlet 10,000
"Snow Armlet" iconSnow Armlet 10,000 "Dragon Armlet" iconDragon Armlet 20,000
"Element Blade" iconElement Blade 20,000 "Escort Guard" iconEscort Guard 40,000
"Sniper Eye" iconSniper Eye 50,000 "Wizard Bracelet" iconWizard Bracelet 80,000

Bone Village Outlet

You’ll need to complete the mission 7-5-3 - “Girl on the Desert Island”. This unlocks after completing a long series of missions starting with mission 7-2-1: Search and Destroy, which is available at the start of Chapter 4.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Graviga" iconGraviga 15,000 "Exaflare" iconExaflare 10,000
"Hellfire" iconHellfire 10,000 "Megaflare" iconMegaflare 10,000
"Rebirth Flame" iconRebirth Flame 10,000 "Zantetsuken" iconZantetsuken 10,000

The Happy Turtle

Available during Chapter 5. This shop address can be found inside a treasure chest in the mission 4-3-6: “Stop the Assailants”. Unfortunately, you’ll need to do some leg work to unlock the mission. In Chapter 5, talk to the Officer in LOVELESS Avenue, and agree to help him find the Wutai Spies. There are six spies in total, and you need to talk to each one of them three times.

  • The first spy can be found walking up, and down the street outside the theater in Loveless Avenue.

  • The second spy can be found inside the Shinra Building. From the entrance, head towards the elevators, and a man should come out of it. If he doesn’t, you may have to wait a bit, or zone in and out of the area.

  • For the third spy, head towards the Exhibit Room in the Shinra Building and enter it. There will be a Shinra employee in front of the rocket exhibit.

  • The fourth spy can be found near the fountain in Sector 8 - Fountain. It’ll be a woman who is talking to a man.

  • Now head to Sector 5 from the train station in Sector 8, and head to the market area which is where you can find the 5th spy who happens to be a Shinra Trooper.

  • Finally, the 6th spy can be found in the Sector 6 - Slums - Park. From the market, take the right exit to enter the area, and then look for a kid wearing a hat.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Blizzara" iconBlizzara 3,000 "Barrier" iconBarrier 4,000
"Cura" iconCura 3,000 "Dash" iconDash 5,000
"Dispel" iconDispel 5,000 "Fira" iconFira 3,000
"MBarrier" iconMBarrier 4,000 "Regen" iconRegen 5,000
"Thundara" iconThundara 3,000

Sector 8 - Materia Shop

This shop address will require the completion of mission 6-2-1 - “Slum Development Plan 1”. During Chapter 6, make your way to the Shinra Building entrance, and you should see an NPC called “City Planning Executive”. By talking to them, you’ll unlock the above mission.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"AP Up" iconAP Up 1,000 "HP Up" iconHP Up 1,000
"MP Up" iconMP Up 1,000 "Drain" iconDrain 5,000
"Osmose" iconOsmose 4,000

Sector 5 - Materia Shop

During Chapter 6, speak to the Shinra Executive, and his Secretary in the lobby of the Shinra Building. This will unlock the mission 6-2-3 - “Mako Excavation Site”. Complete this to unlock the shop address.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"ATK Up" iconATK Up 1,000 "Mag Up" iconMag Up 1,000
"Poison" iconPoison 1,000 "Silence" iconSilence 1,000
"Spr Up" iconSpr Up 1,000 "Vit Up" iconVit Up 1,000

Sector 6 - Accessory Shop

Same as the Sec.5 shop. Speak to the Shinra executive to unlock a whole series of missions. Work your way through them until you complete mission 6-2-6 - “Underground City” which will unlock the shop address.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Amulet" iconAmulet 1,000 "Bronze Armlet" iconBronze Armlet 500
"Bronze Bangle" iconBronze Bangle 500 "Bulletproof Vest" iconBulletproof Vest 1,000
"Chocobo Armlet" iconChocobo Armlet 500 "Earrings" iconEarrings 1,000
"Wrist Band" iconWrist Band 1,000

Research Dept. QMC+

This shop address is nicely hidden within a treasure chest in Gongaga Village during Chapter 9.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Blizzaga" iconBlizzaga 10,000 "Firaga" iconFiraga 10,000
"Thundaga" iconThundaga 10,000 "Air Strike" iconAir Strike 10,000
"Healing Wave" iconHealing Wave 10,000 "Lucky Stars" iconLucky Stars 10,000
"Meteor Shots" iconMeteor Shots 10,000 "Octaslash" iconOctaslash 10,000
"Rush Assault" iconRush Assault 10,000 "Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion 500

Gongaga Trading

Complete the mission 2-3-1 - “Unidentified Monsters” which is available at the beginning of Chapter 10. Complete all the missions starting at mission 2-2-5 - “Gongaga” through to mission 2-3-1 - “Unidentified Monsters”.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Blizzaga" iconBlizzaga 10,000 "Firaga" iconFiraga 10,000
"Thundaga" iconThundaga 10,000 "Air Strike" iconAir Strike 10,000
"Healing Wave" iconHealing Wave 10,000 "Lucky Stars" iconLucky Stars 10,000
"Meteor Shots" iconMeteor Shots 10,000 "Octaslash" iconOctaslash 10,000
"Rush Assault" iconRush Assault 10,000 "Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion 500

Junon Souvenirs

Similar to the "Gongaga Trading" iconGongaga Trading Shop, you’ll need to reach the beginning of Chapter 10 and then complete all the missions starting at mission 2-2-5 - “Gongaga” through to mission 2-4-1 - “A Solitary Island” which will unlock the shop address.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"1000 Needles" icon1000 Needles 10,000 "Chocobo Stomp" iconChocobo Stomp 10,000
"Courage Boost!" iconCourage Boost! 10,000 "Item Mugger" iconItem Mugger 10,000
"Moogle Power" iconMoogle Power 10,000 "Murderous Thrust" iconMurderous Thrust 10,000

Mythril Mine Traders

Finally the last shop can be unlocked similarly to Junon and Gongaga. You’ll need to reach the beginning of Chapter 10 and then complete all the missions starting at mission 2-2-5 - “Gongaga” through to mission 2-4-5 - “Cave-In Investigation” which will unlock the shop address.

Item Cost (Gil) Item Cost (Gil)
"Faerie Ring" iconFaerie Ring 20,000 "Moon Bracer" iconMoon Bracer 10,000
"Protect Ring" iconProtect Ring 30,000 "Shining Bracer" iconShining Bracer 10,000
"Twisted Headband" iconTwisted Headband 10,000
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    12 December 2022
  • Last Updated
    27 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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