Quest Information | . |
Location: | Terra 2 - Emerald Vale - Edgewater |
How to Start: | Talk to Constable Reyes |
Find Constable Reyes in the constable’s office and she’ll give you this quest, tasking you with eliminating four deserters and bringing back their fingers as proof.
(1 of 2) You’ll find Bertie Cotton near a marauder encampment.
You’ll find Bertie Cotton near a marauder encampment. (left), Gun him down and claim his finger. (right)
Bertie Cotton¶
You’ll find Bertie Cotton at a marauder camp north of the Unreliable - just follow the road, you can’t miss it. This camp is normally occupied by several marauders and two Canids, but Bertie Cotton will spawn in addition to these foes once this quest is started. The camp is ringed by tall grass, making it easy to pick off the enemies within, after which you can just run back to the Unreliable to shake pursuit, or lie low until the enemy drops their guard again. In combat, Bertie Cotton is nothing special, and can easily be brought down. Grab his finger when he’s dead as proof of your deed.
(1 of 3) Find the cave Maybell hides in along the northwestern edge of the vale.
Doc Maybell¶
Easily the furthest afield, Doc Maybell lurks in a cave along the northwestern corner of the vale. This cave is marked on your map as the Marauder Hideout and can be found northwest of the Geothermal Power Plant, which itself is northwest of Edgewater.
Inside the cave you’ll find Doc Maybell and several other marauders (and as is usual, the odd Tamed Canid). Neither Maybell nor her companions are terribly powerful, with Maybell herself seeming fond of melee combat. Picking an enemy off from the entrance of the cave, then retreating outside and popping foes with a sawed-off shotgun was sufficient to secure victory. Loot her corpse to obtain the not-so-good doctor’s finger and her unique weapon, Blad on Stik.
(1 of 2) Guillaume’s machine gun is great incentive to keep your distance.
Guillaume’s machine gun is great incentive to keep your distance. (left), Give him some lead aspirin, then take his finger. (right)
Guillaume Antrim¶
Leave town via Edgewater’s northwestern gate and follow the road through the ruins outside of Edgewater’s walls and when you reach a fork turn east until you reach a cluster of buildings marked on your map as the Abandoned Outpost. Along the way you’ll likely have to dispatch or evade two groups of marauders - one at the fork and another at the Abandoned Outpost. It’ll be easier to dispatch your mark if you eliminate these foes along the way.
Once you’ve mopped the marauders, continue following the road northeast, then north until you reach a larger group of buildings, marked on the map as the Abandoned Industrial Zone, which is crawling with marauders and perhaps the odd Canid. If you started this quest, Guillaume will also be here, playing the role of a Marauder Ringleader - heavy armor and a machinegun, capable of quickly whittling down your health bar. We use sneak attacks and hit-and-run tactics to pick off marauders until Guillaume is isolated, then pick him off and take his finger as a prize.
You can claim each bounty as you hunt them down, each one being worth some XP, Bits and positive reputation with Spacer’s Choice. Turning in all three will get you another boost to your reputation and earn you the useless Junior Deputy Constable’s Badge. Hooray, a commendation! Chat with Constable Reyes a bit about the marauder problem to learn… well, precious little about them, save that they seem to just be deserters with a more violent disposition. Probably due to their consumption of Adrena-Time, which apparently causes “violent psychosis”. Not a single problem in Emerald Vale that Spacer’s Choice didn’t cause or exacerbate, it seems.
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