Kings Confidant¶
Item List | Items Cont |
Cailan’s Breastplate | Elfroot |
Cailan’s Gauntlets | Firestone Harness |
Cailan’s Greaves | Joining Chalice |
Cailan’s Helm | Key to the Royal Arms Chest |
Cailan’s Shield | Maric’s Blade |
Corrupter Magister’s Staff | Nug Crusher |
Deathroot | Repeater Gloves |
Duncan’s Dagger | Secret Correspondence |
Duncan’s Sword | Swiftrunner Warpaint |
Codex |
227 - Cailan’s Documents Page 3 of 3 |
250 - Cailan’s Documents Page 2 of 3 |
251 - Cailan’s Documents Page 1 of 3 |
252 - Return to Ostagar - Credits |
Make your way to this area on the World Map. Take a look at the unarmed man and the guards, then join the fray. Defeat the Private Militia and loot the two Deathroot and two Elfroot . Check on Elric and attempt to revive him. After the conversation head to Ostagar. Bring Alistair or Loghain along for added commentary and scenes.
Upon entering the area Darkspawn immediately attack you. Kill them and check the pile of sacks and wooden crate nearby. Head north to find more Darkspawn lurking, led by a Hurlock Strider. Loot the wooden crate then the dead Strider for Cailan’s Greaves . Another pile of sacks is up the snow-covered hill along with the Joining Chalice . Proceed back down the ramp and into the main part of camp. More Darkspawn led by a Genlock Forgemaster await you so defeat them and move near the Magic Encampment to find a Hurlock Alpha. In the quartermaster area is a locked chest and wooden crate.
Loot the Strider for Cailan’s Greaves. Out on a hilltop is the Joining Chalice. Depressing.
In the Magic Encampment you will find Elric’s Buried Key, the Key to the Royal Arms Chest as well as the Mage’s Chest. If you did not use the key earlier then you can unlock the chest to receive the Corrupted Magister’s Staff , along with the other loots that would have been there. Proceed near the Mabari kennels and defeat the rogues that attack. Check the pile of sacks and dead mabari for Swiftrunner Warpaint and Firestone Harness . Blight Wolves and a Hurlock Vanguard will attack you upon checking the corpses – the Vanguard drops Cailan’s Shield . Continue east to Cailan’s Chest where Maric’s Blade and Secret Correspondence can be found. Head south up the ramp to find more Darkspawn, loot the wooden crate for some Repeater Gloves and the pile of sacks in the corner.
As you continue east beware the tripwire. Defeat the Darkspawn and loot the locked chest, pile of sacks and two wooden crates. Return to the main camp and start on the way across the bridge to find Cailan. A scene occurs and then more Darkspawn attack, but from both sides of the bridge. Make it to the other side of the bridge and look north to find a wooden crate. From here continue to dispatch the Darkspawn. Keep an eye out for the leghold traps and the enemies on ballistas. In the back you will find the Hurlock Strategist which holds Cailan’s Gauntlets. Loot the two wooden crates and the pile of sacks in the southeast corner. You’ll find the same set up at the southwest end and the far east has two wooden crates.
Head up the ramp and check the wooden crate then engage the Darkspawn. There is a pile of sacks near some destroyed area and a wooden crate up on the platform. A Hurlock General leads the next pack; stun him to gain better control of this fight and then check his corpse for Cailan’s Breastplate . Before the ramp is a locked chest ripe for picking; do so then proceed to the Tower of Ishal.
You need high skill to unlock Cailan’s Chest. The Hurlock General holds Cailan’s Breastplate.
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