Miners dig in search of earthly resources forged by nature over thousands of years.
Miners specialise in mining ore deposits with their pickaxes to uncover precious ore and, occasionally, rare gems.
Unlike monsters, ore deposits generally don’t fight back, making Miner a considerably less dangerous Life. Although you do sometimes have to sneak past or defeat monsters to reach rarer deposits.
After gathering a bunch of ores and gems, they can be sold for a tidy profit or kept as crafting materials for a Blacksmith or Alchemist.
Recruitable Allies¶
**Character** | **Location (Day)** | **Location (Night)** | **Rank** |
Rocque | Al Maajik Outskirts | Al Maajik Sandtown: The Watering Hole | Adept |
Angela | Al Maajik Sandtown | Al Maajik Sandtown: The Watering Hole | Master |
Duglas | East Castele: south-east | (Same) | God |
**Button** | **Name** | **Rank** |
A (Press repeatedly) | Swing | Any |
A (After a full swing) | Fierce Swing | Any |
X | Smash Hit | Any |
Hold X, then release | Ore Breaker | Apprentice |
Hold X (long), then release | Ore Buster | Expert |
X after special skill gauge is full | Terra Former | Adept |
X after special skill gauge is full | Earthly Treasures | Master |
X after special skill gauge is full | Bedrock Break | God |
X after special skill gauge is full twice | Let’s Rock | God |
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