This page will detail how to complete the Conscience for the Dead Favor in God of War Ragnarok.
Where to Start the Conscience for the Dead Favor¶
You will get this Favor from this spirit
You will be able to start this Favor after completing The Reckoning main story quest. As you’re leaving Vanaheim with Freya, she will cast an enchantment on your chisel, allowing you to use the little mirrors you’ve been seeing across the realms. The one you come across on your travels in Vanaheim will open a pathway leading to a boat, which will eventually take you to a shore with a Mystic Gateway. Your story objective here is to use the Mystic Gateway to return to Sindri’s House, but you have the option to continue exploring Vanaheim. Use a Sonic Arrow to break the nearby log to get exploring.
One of the locations you can visit is Cliffside Ruins, which is straight across from the River Delta Mystic Gateway (a blacksmith shop will be here). There will be some enemies here when you first get here. Once you clear them out, you will find the spirit that gives this Favor along the back cliffside. She wants you to help out those whose minds have been corrupted by the Seidr magic.
How to Complete the Conscience for the Dead Favor¶
(1 of 3) A good idea of where to place your Sigil Arrows
Your goal is to defeat specific enemies, but they are not at Cliffside Ruins. You will need to venture into another area, but it’s blocked by some rocks. In order to get there, you will need to make those rocks go away. While facing the spirit, there will be a wall you can climb to the left of her. Do that, then hop onto the platforms in the middle of the area. Specifically, go to the one that is closest to the cliffside, where you should see some vines and a chain being held by them. You’ll need to chain together some Sigil Arrows with Freya, to get a Blades of Chaos spark (L2 + R2) attack to burn the vines, dropping the chain all the way to the ground.
Climb that chain that dropped now and follow the path to the end, where you will find a mirror that you can use your chisel on. Follow the pattern and the mirror will open up the path, leading deeper into the River Delta. This is where you need to go for this Favor, as well as for Freya’s Missing Peace.
(1 of 2) Take the path to the left here to reach The Veiled Passage
Take the path to the left here to reach The Veiled Passage (left), You will uncover The Veiled Passage as you move along (right)
Go back down to your boat and sail down this path, where you will eventually find a fork in the river. The nearby shore leads to Goddess Falls, while the other path eventually leads to The Veiled Passage. Ignore the first shore down here, unless you need to do The Mysterious Orb Favor, as that item is here. Keep going to the end and dock your boat there. Break through the wooden barrier, destroy the exploding plant things, then climb the wall. Follow this trail up here and you will run into the enemies you need to defeat. There will be two at first, another two further down, then one final one near the end.
At the end of the trail will be a chain you can use to reach a different area of the Cliffside Ruins. You will find a few collectibles here, as well as a chain that lowers the raised bridge you might have seen earlier. You can return to Gunhild to finish the Favor. Your reward will be the Svartalfheim’s Honor Amulet Enchantment.
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