Crimson Radio - In plaza northwest of Watershed Base¶
(1 of 4) Head northwest of the Fast Travel to find the plaza
Make your way to the location of the Dynasty Diner Side Mission and after clearing the plaza, look for some containers that allow you to reach the yellow painted wall. From here, climb the next container and wall to finally locate the terminal.
Dead Claptrap - Bottom of the stairs in plaza northwest of Watershed Base¶
(1 of 2) Head northwest of Watershed Base
Head northwest of Watershed Base (left), you’ll find the Claptrap at the bottom of some stairs. (right)
Make your way to the location of the Dynasty Diner Side Mission and after clearing the plaza, look down the stairs to find the Claptrap.
Hijack Vehicle - Northeast of Rise and Grind Coffeehouse¶
(1 of 4) Head northeast from Rise and Grind Coffeehouse
Make your way to the northeast of Rise and Grind Coffeehouse and you’ll spot a yellow barrier. Turn around and look up to spot a pipe you can shoot, spilling water by the nearby wires. Use any weapon or Action Skill with the Shock element to power up the box and allow you access to the vehicle inside.
Target of Opportunity - Baron Noggin - Southwest of the map¶
(1 of 2) Head to the southwest part of the map to find his hideout
Head to the southwest part of the map to find his hideout (left), The Baron is weak to Corrosive and you can burst the pipes to inflict it. (right)
Head north and then southwest from the Fast Travel to find this sewer located at the end of the road. Baron Noggin will fight alongside many Ratch but ignore them and focus on the Baron himself. He’s weak to Corrosive and you’ll find many pipes around here you can burst to help inflict it.
Typhon Log #1 - East of Rise and Grind Coffeehouse¶
(1 of 2) Head east of Rise and Grind Coffeehouse
Head east of Rise and Grind Coffeehouse (left), take the upper path to find this Log. (right)
Head east of Rise and Grind Coffeehouse and make your way around the upper path to find the Typhon Log overlooking the road below.
Typhon Log #2 - To the right of your first meeting with Zer0¶
(1 of 2) During Hostile Takeover, you’ll meet Zer0 for the first time
During Hostile Takeover, you’ll meet Zer0 for the first time (left), look to the right of him to spot the Log. (right)
During the Hostile Takeover Main Mission, you’ll meet Zer0 for the first time after a battle. Before you follow him through the doorway, look to the right to find a Typhon Log.
Typhon Log #3 - Titan’s Gate, on a patch of grass¶
(1 of 2) Head to the northern reaches of the map
Head to the northern reaches of the map (left), the Log can be found on a patch of grass here. (right)
Make your way over to the far north of the map, Titan’s Gate, and look behind some containers on a patch of grass to locate it.
Typhon Dead Drop - Knoxx Station, along the containers to the east¶
Make your way to the Knoxx Station which leads to Lectra City and look for some containers against the eastern wall. Climb the first container and follow the yellow paint up another to be able to reach the path against the wall. Follow this over another container and under a pipe to reach the Dead Drop at the end.
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