Anti-Drain :
HP Cost: 10 HP
Effects: Prevents HP drainage 50% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Anti-Drain 2 : -
HP Cost: 50 HP
Effects: Prevents HP drainage 100% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Anti-Nap : -
HP Cost: 40 HP
Effects: Gain a 50% resistance to Nap
Learned: Techcopy
Anti-Nap 2 : -
HP Cost: 210 HP
Effects: Gain full immunity to Nap
Learned: Techcopy
Anti-Venom : -
HP Cost: 5 HP
Effects: Gain a 50% resistance to Poison
Learned: Techcopy
Anti-Venom 2: -
HP Cost: 50 HP
Effects: Gain a full immunity to Poison
Learned: Techcopy
Anti-Wither: -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Gain a 50% resistance to Wither
Learned: Techcopy
Anti-Wither 2: -
HP Cost: 200 HP
Effects: Gain full immunity to Wither
Learned: Techcopy
Aurochs Spirit: -
HP Cost: 600 HP
Effects: The original SH of the entire Aurochs team is added to Wakka’s SH, and SH +10 is applied
Learned: Prize from a Tournament if Wakka has all his key techs
You can learn Techs from players by Marking them. Set this up at the start of matches or in halves. The blue highlighted ones are available to learn.
Brawler :
HP Cost: 10 HP
Effects: Increases the range for encounters to occur
Learned: Prize from Tournaments and Leagues
Drain Tackle : -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Gain HP from the opposition 40% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Drain Tackle 2 : -
HP Cost: 150 HP
Effects: Gain HP from the opposition 70% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Drain Tackle 3 : -
HP Cost: 500 HP
Effects: Gain HP from the opposition every time
Learned: Techcopy
Elite Defense : -
HP Cost: 5 HP
Effects: Increases the range for finding the ball-carrier
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Gamble : -
HP Cost: 300 HP
Effects: Half of the time after losing the Nap status, you get randomized stats
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Golden Arm : -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Halves HP reduction from shots and passes
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Good Morning! : -
HP Cost: 180 HP
Effects: You get stronger stats 50% of the time after waking up from Naps
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Grip Gloves: -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Effectively - but hiddenly - increases the catcher’s CA
Learned: Techcopy
High Risk : -
HP Cost: 300 HP
Effects: Doubles your EXP. earnings, but your stats will be halved
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Invisible Shot : -
HP Cost: 220 HP
Effects: The ball is invisible on the way to the goal when shot, which you can control with the Left Analog Stick; also, SH +3
Learned: Techcopy
Jecht Shot : -
HP Cost: 120 HP
Effects: Ignores the first two foes in an encounter; SH +5
Learned: Complete the Jecht Shot thingy with the Blitzball on the SS Winno’s deck
Jecht Shot 2 : -
HP Cost: 999 HP
Effects: Ignores the first three foes in an encounter; SH +10; “Invisible Shot” tech effect
Learned: Get Tidus’s three Key Techs, then you can win it from Tournaments
Nap Pass : -
HP Cost: 40 HP
Effects: Those blocking your pass get Napped 30% of the time; PA +3
Learned: Techcopy
When you see the Techcopy notice pop up, quickly respond to learn the technique.
Nap Tackle 2 :
HP Cost: 90 HP
Effects: Tackled players get Napped 70% of the time; AT +5
Learned: Techcopy
Nap Tackle 3 : -
HP Cost: 180 HP
Effects: Tackled players get Napped all of the time; AT +7
Learned: Techcopy
Pile Venom : -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Allows Poison status to stack, increasing HP loss of the afflicted and the amount of abilities lost
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Pile Wither : -
HP Cost: 70 HP
Effects: Allows Wither status to stack, further reducing stats on the afflicted
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Regen : -
HP Cost: 50 HP
Effects: You restore HP much faster when you’re not holding the ball
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Sphere Shot: -
HP Cost: 90 HP
Effects: SH +3 and another random number
Learned: Techcopy (Tidus has it from the start)
Spin Ball: -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: The ball will have spin when shot, making it tougher to block somehow
Learned: Techcopy
Super Goalie : -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Adds a random number to your CA 60% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Tackle Slip : -
HP Cost: 40 HP
Effects: Allows you to dodge 40% of tackles, but you may become disoriented
Learned: Techcopy
Tackle Slip 2 : -
HP Cost: 170 HP
Effects: Allows you to dodge 80% of tackles, but you may become disoriented
Learned: Techcopy
Tech Find : -
HP Cost: 0 HP
Effects: You can chosoe an empty slot in your ability list and press X to Techcopy it
Learned: Win from Tournaments and Leagues
Venom Pass :
HP Cost: 40 HP
Effects: Poisons those blocking your pass 30% of the time; PA +3
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Pass 2 : -
HP Cost: 120 HP
Effects: Poisons those blocking your pass 60% of the time; PA +5
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Pass 3 : -
HP Cost: 250 HP
Effects: Poisons those blocking your pass 100% of the time; PA +7
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Shot: -
HP Cost: 20 HP
Effects: Poisons those blocking your shot (and the Goalie) 40% of the time; SH +3
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Shot 2 : -
HP Cost: 65 HP
Effects: Poisons those blocking your shot (and the Goalie) 70% of the time; SH +5
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Shot 3 : -
HP Cost: 100 HP
Effects: Poisons those blocking your shot (and the Goalie) 100% of the time; SH +7
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Tackle : -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Those you tackle are Poisoned 40% of the time; AT +3
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Tackle 2 : -
HP Cost: 70 HP
Effects: Those you tackle are Poisoned 70% of the time; AT +5
Learned: Techcopy
Venom Tackle 3 : -
HP Cost: 160 HP
Effects: Those you tackle are Poisoned 100% of the time; AT +7
Learned: Techcopy
Volley Shot : -
HP Cost: 10 HP
Effects: You can intercept loose balls and shoot them with blockage 50% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Volley Shot 2 : -
HP Cost: 40 HP
Effects: You can intercept loose balls and shoot them with blockage 75% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Volley Shot 3: -
HP Cost: 250 HP
Effects: You can intercept loose balls and shoot them with blockage 100% of the time
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Pass : -
HP Cost: 40 HP
Effects: Withers those blocking your pass 30% of the time; PA +3
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Pass 2 : -
HP Cost: 180 HP
Effects: Withers those blocking your pass 70% of the time; PA +5
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Pass 3 : -
HP Cost: 440 HP
Effects: Withers those blocking your pass all of the time; PA +7
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Shot : -
HP Cost: 30 HP
Effects: Withers those blocking your shot (and the Goalie) 40% of the time; SH +3
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Shot 2 : -
HP Cost: 180 HP
Effects: Withers those blocking your shot (and the Goalie) 70% of the time; SH +5
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Shot 3 : -
HP Cost: 390 HP
Effects: Withers those blocking your shot (and the Goalie) 100% of the time; SH +7
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Tackle : -
HP Cost: 8 HP
Effects: Withers those you tackle 40% of the time; AT +3
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Tackle 2 : -
HP Cost: 80 HP
Effects: Withers those you tackle 70% of the time; AT +5
Learned: Techcopy
Wither Tackle 3 : -
HP Cost: 250 HP
Effects: Withers those you tackle 100% of the time; AT +7
Learned: Techcopy
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